
Ctenophore project funded through NSF IntBio!

Together with coPI's Itay Budin (UCSD) and Steve Haddock (MBARI) we have won an NSF award to study how ctenophores (aka "comb jellies") adapt to the pressure of the deep ocean by modifying their lipidomes. 

Welcome Diego!

September 2023: Diego Luis Velasco Gonzalez joins us as a PhD student from Universidad del Valle, in Calí, Colombia. 

Anionic lipids and GPCR activation

Our first paper out of an exciting new collaboration with Matt Eddy's group at U Florida is published in Nat. Comm. Combining 19F NMR and MD simulations we show that negatively charged lipid headgroups favor A2A activation. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-36425-z

Welcome to the paralipidome!

With longtime collaborator Ilya Levental we've published a review on lipid-protein interactions in Nat. Rev. Mol. Struct. Biol.  We suggest that lipid protein interactions cover a broad spectrum of affinties and mechanisms, and argue that they are best understood through the lens of thermodynamics. doi: 10.1038/s41580-022-00524-4

Welcome Sasiri!

September 2022: Sasiri Vargas Urbano joins us as a PhD student from Universidad del Valle, in Calí, Colombia.

Congrats to Mitch and Swapnil!

Mitchell Dorrell and Swapnil Baral successfully defended their dissertations, exactly one week apart! The group took the opportunity to celebrate at Elk Neck State Park, a much needed escape from the shut-in life.