Optoelectronic Devices Group

Welcome! Our research group at the University of Delaware is investigating new optoelectronic device science and technology for the next generation of infrared systems, solar photovoltaics, and energy harvesting devices for the Internet of Things. Our work aims to collaboratively solve grand challenges in energy, security, and health for a safe, sustainable future for all. 

Group Photo from Summer 2023, pictured from Left to Right: Dr. Abhilasha Kamboj, Logan Suchanec, Alimur Razi, Bhavika Mani, Md Toriqul Islam, Professor Jamie Phillips, Dr. Nuha Ahmed-Babikir, and Maya Rigor.

Group Leader: Jamie Phillips

Professor and Department Chair
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
University of Delaware
141 Evans Hall, Newark, DE 19716

Prospective Graduate Students: see information on the ECE Graduate Program. If you are interested in working with us, email Prof. Phillips and include a resume/CV, list of references, and statement of interest. 

Prospective Undergraduate Student Researchers: if you are interested in research opportunities in our group as a UD undergraduate student, please email Prof. Phillips and include a resume/CV,  copy of your transcript, and statement of interest.