UD Students


  • Undergraduate and graduate students can apply to become a Mentor.

  • Mentors will be assigned to a specific high school (a “hub”).

  • Mentors will commit 1 hour a week (plus transportation time) in “hub meetings.” In these meetings, they will mentor students in a local high school, supporting them academically and emotionally as they navigate the college prep process and their high school careers.

  • Mentors are not required to speak Spanish, although Mentors that are proficient and comfortable in Spanish will be prioritized in schools with a greater need for Spanish-speaking Mentors.

  • Mentors do not need to have their own means of transportation; if a Mentor does not have a car, we will arrange for carpooling to the school site.

  • Mentors will receive training at the beginning of the fall semester for this role.

Hub Coordinator

  • Graduate students and motivated undergraduate students who show a dedication to LASER’s mission can apply to become a Hub Coordinator.

  • Hub Coordinators may receive a stipend (more info coming soon).

  • One or two hub coordinators will be assigned to each school.

  • Hub Coordinators will commit 1 hour a week (plus transportation time) to engage in Hub Meetings. Hub Coordinators will mentor students just like LASER Mentors, but they will also be responsible for introducing activities, supervising the meetings, and providing guidance to mentors and mentees.

  • In addition, hub coordinators will spend approximately 1-2 hours a week preparing activities for hub meetings (by creating a "lesson plan" of sorts for each one). If two Hub Coordinators are assigned to the same school, this workload will be split between the two Hub Coordinators.

  • Hub Coordinators will receive training for this role.

UD Student Panel

  • UD undergraduate and graduate students can apply to serve on a UD Student Panel.

  • In this role, a group of UD students from varying disciplines, backgrounds, interests, etc. will visit one, two, or all three of our partner high schools. High school students will have the hour to ask questions about anything that they're interested in (life in college, what it's like to pursue a specific major, life as a Latinx or BIPOC student at a PWI, what it's like to work while being in school, etc.)

Community Day Volunteer

  • We will plan a Community Day on UD's Campus once a semester to get high school scholars on campus, plan activities, and give them a glimpse of life at UD.

  • Volunteers will be needed across the UD student, faculty, and staff population.

  • Our first Community Day will be in Spring 2022.

Registered Student Organization (RSO) Member

  • Undergraduate and graduate students at UD can join the RSO as a member.

  • Members will attend a meeting once or twice a semester when their schedule allows for it.

  • Members will have the opportunity to serve on committees, such as the events committee. In the events committee specifically, members will have the opportunity to plan LASER’s campus-wide community day in the spring.

  • Members will participate in activities guided by the officers. In many of these activities, members will create materials and resources to give to high school students as they navigate the college application process. For example, in one RSO meeting, officers will guide members to write on sticky notes answering the questions "What has college allowed you to do?" and "Why is a college education important to you?" and add them to an inspiration board. Mentors will then bring this board to the high schools to display during Hub Meetings.

  • Members will receive a monthly list of activities, opportunities (internships, research, etc.), and events related to LASER’s mission and the Latinx and other BIPOC communities.

  • Members will be able to engage in graduate student panels. In these panels, members can ask grad students about what grad school is like in their specific discipline. Grad students will give advice and previews into what graduate school is like.

  • Members will be able to engage with guest speakers, like professors and community members. These guest speakers will come to talk about their careers, lead professional development activities, etc. in various disciplines.

RSO Officer

  • Full-time matriculated undergraduate students can apply to become an RSO Officer for Fall 2021-Spring 2022.

  • A list of positions available and the responsibilities of each one is available here:

Descriptions of Leadership Positions