UD Faculty, Staff, & Alumni

UD Faculty/Staff/Alum Guest Speaker

  • Faculty, staff, and alumni can apply to become a LASER Guest Speaker.

  • Guest speakers will choose to become a speaker for college LASER participants or high school LASER participants, depending on their current role and desired topic of presentation. (For example, you might present to current UD students to talk about specific opportunities available in graduate school, but you might also decide to present to high school students to talk more generally about how you have been able to pursue your passion through college.)

  • Guest speakers for college LASER participants will prepare a presentation ahead of time that serves to inspire or give advice to UD undergraduate students about some aspect of college, graduate school, or finding an eventual career. These Guest Speakers will deliver their presentation at one of our Registered Student Organization (RSO) monthly meetings.

  • Guest speakers for high school LASER participants will visit one, two, or all three of our partner high schools. They will prepare a presentation ahead of time that serves to inspire or give advice to high school scholars about college preparation, life in college, or the opportunities available during and after college.

Community Day Volunteer

  • We will plan a Community Day on UD's Campus once a semester to get high school scholars on campus, plan activities, and give them a glimpse of life at UD.

  • Volunteers will be needed across the UD student, faculty, staff, and alumni population.

  • Our first Community Day will be in Spring 2022.

Faculty/Staff Partner

  • Faculty, staff, and alumni who would like to support LASER's mission in some way (by encouraging UD students to become mentors, speaking about our program to other individuals, supporting our program financially, etc.) can become a partner.

General Member

  • Individuals affiliated with UD that wish to receive updates about LASER can become general members. We will send updates via email to these individuals.