Bertelsmann Technology Scholarship - Phase 2

Project Walkthroughs

Recordings & Slides
Access recordings & slides of your track's Project Walkthroughs using the below links

🧠 AI Track


☁️ Cloud Track


📊 Data Track


✍🏻Did a walkthrough help you get past a project? Share your feedback here → Project Walkthroughs - Feedback Form

What are Project Walkthroughs?

Top Mentors for all three nanodegree programs are being called upon to give you detailed walkthroughs of each of the technical projects involved.

Major pain-points for a particular project will be first gathered through a
survey from the community and the mentor will then cover these in the walkthrough for that particular project in-addition to providing some insider-tips on how to succeed in that project!

📆 Check the schedule of upcoming walkthroughs and recordings of previous sessions below!

Facing any blockers while doing a project? Or have any queries regarding the projects?
Share them with the mentors using this form:

📮 Share Project Issues with Mentors 📮

Mentors will utilise these issues shared by you to curate Project Walkthroughs that can help you resolve
your blockers and move ahead with the project!

Project Walkthroughs - Recordings & Slides
Click on the below links to access the recordings & slides

🧠 AI Track


☁️ Cloud Track


📊 Data Track