Group Photos

Group Photo Winter 2024: From left to right: Ryan Tumminello, Kanuri Roundtree, Ben Carr, Adam Cooper, Nate Slade, Renee Niles, Diana Tran, Samantha Kruse, Lincoln Mehndiratta, Maya Morris

Group Photo Winter 2022: From left to right: Cindy Tan, Adam Cooper, Renee Niles, Ben Carr, Prof. Nate Slade, Ryan Tumminello, Lincoln Mehndiratta, Samantha Kruse,  Karen Lopo-Zepeda, Allison Kawasaki, Kun Wang

Group Photo Winter 2020: From left to right: Prof. Jonathan Slade, Cindy Tan, Allison Kawasaki, Ryan Tumminello, Samantha Kruse, Reece James, Adam Cooper, Z.Y. Lin, Isaac Canada, Mallory Small

Group Photo Summer 2019: From left to right: Prof. Jonathan Slade, Isaac Canada, Allison Kawasaki, Adam Cooper, Isis Guadalupe, Mallory Small, Samantha Kruse, Ryan Tumminello, Z.Y. Lin

Group Photo Winter 2019: From left to right, Allison Kawasaki, Ryan Tumminello, Samantha Kruse, Prof. Jonathan Slade, Isaac Canada, Adam Cooper

Pictures of our trip to the Museum of Photographic Arts at Balboa Park to see the very moving film, “Anote’s Ark”, about the sinking island nation of Kiribati as a result of rising sea levels from human-induced climate change. 

group meeting fun

There is never a dull moment during a Slade Lab group meeting! Professor Slade's "Rules for an Engaging Presentation...and Group Meeting": (1) presentations should teach us something new, (2) cover the nuts and bolts of the science (i.e., break down graphs and data to their essence), (3) presented in a way that one could explain the science to their grandparents, and (4) include some form of "meme-ege". Finally, (5) there should always be food and beverages at group meeting - to fuel a lively discussion at the end! In this photo, both Ryan (presenter) and Sam (who provided snacks) have set the bar high.