Rose, Sharon. to appear. Inalienable personal possessives in Moro and Tira. In Helene Fatima Idris, Jan Junglas & Gertrud Schneider Blum (eds.) Nuba Mountain Language Studies - Contemporary Perspectives. Open Monograph Press, Universität zu Köln.
Kaldhol, Nina Hagen, Sharon Rose & Mark Simmons. To appear. Prosody of topic and focus in Tira. In Akinbiyi Akinlabi, Sampson Korsah, Abdul Razak Sulemana and Sharon Rose (eds.) Cross-disciplinary approaches to Information Structure in Niger-Congo Languages. Language Science Press.
Akinbiyi Akinlabi, Sampson Korsah, Abdul Razak Sulemana and Sharon Rose (eds.) Cross-disciplinary approaches to Information Structure in Niger-Congo Languages. Language Science Press.
Jenks, Peter, Elyasir Julima, Angelo Naser & Sharon Rose. to appear. A Grammar of Moro. with a focus on the Thetogovela dialect. Language Science Press.
Demir Nalci, Nese, Titus Kubri Kajo Kunda & Sharon Rose. 2025. Tone Patterns in Rere (Koalib) Inalienable Possessives. Studies in African Linguistics 53 (1&2), 1-24.
Bashir, Abeer & Sharon Rose. 2024 Vowel harmony in Niger-Congo languages of the Nuba Mountains. In Harry van der Hulst & Nancy Ritter (eds.) Handbook of Vowel Harmony, Oxford University Press, pp. 625-632.
Huang, Yaqian, Nina Hagen Kaldhol, JJ Lim, Sharon Rose & Anthony Struthers-Young (eds.). 2024. Selected Papers from the 53rd Annual Conference on African Linguistics. Language Science Press.
Creel, Sarah, Michael Obiri-Yeboah & Sharon Rose. 2023. Language-to-music transfer effects depends on the tone language: Akan vs. East Asian languages. Memory and Cognition.
Rose, Sharon, Michael Obiri-Yeboah & Sarah Creel. 2023. Perception of ATR contrasts by Akan speakers: a case of perceptual near-merger. Laboratory Phonology 14(1). doi:
Berhanu Chamora, Jean-François Prunet & Sharon Rose. 2023. Inor Group. Handbook of Ethiopian Languages. Oxford University Press.
Chai, Yuan, Titus Kubri Kajo Kunda, Alejandro Rodríguez & Sharon Rose. 2022. The prosody of declaratives and questions in Rere (Koalib). In Haruo Kubuzono, Junko Ito & Armin Mester (eds.) Prosody and Prosodic Interfaces. Oxford University Press.
Obiri-Yeboah, Michael & Sharon Rose. 2021. Vowel harmony in Gua and phonological phrasing. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 40, 159–193.
Akinlabi, Akin, Michael Cahill, Michael Diercks, Laura Downing, James Essegbey, Katherine Franich, Laura McPherson & Sharon Rose (eds.). 2021. Selected Papers from the 50th Annual Conference on African Linguistics. Language Science Press.
Naser, Angelo & Sharon Rose. 2020. Ideophones in Moro. In Stefano Manfredi & Nicolas Quint (eds.). Faits de langues 51, 37-62.
The 2010s (2010-2019)
Hout, Katherine, Anna Mai, Adam McCollum, Sharon Rose & Matthew Zaslansky (eds.). 2019. Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Meeting on Phonology. Washington, DC: Linguistic Society of America.
Rose, Sharon. 2019. The typology of vowel harmony in Nuba Mountain languages. In Gerrit J. Dimmendaal, Birgit Hellwig and Gertrud Schneider-Blum (eds.), Nuba Mountain Language Studies 3. Cologne: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag.
Rose, Sharon. 2018. ATR Vowel Harmony: new patterns and diagnostics. Proceedings of the 2017 Annual Meeting on Phonology.
Keffala, Bethany, Jessica Barlow & Sharon Rose. 2018. Interaction in Spanish-English bilinguals’ acquisition of syllable structure. International Journal of Bilingualism 22, 16-37.
Bennett, Wm. G & Sharon Rose. 2017. Moro voicelessness dissimilation and binary [voice]. Phonology 34, 473-505.
Ritchart, Amanda & Sharon Rose. 2017. Moro vowel harmony: implications for transparency and representation. Phonology 34, 1-38.
Jenks, Peter & Sharon Rose. 2017. Documenting Control and Raising in Moro. In Jason Kandybowicz & Harold Torrence (eds.) Africa's Endangered Languages: Documentary and Theoretical Approaches. Oxford University Press, 207-235.
Rose, Sharon & Page Piccinini. 2016. Intonation in the Thetogovela dialect of Moro. In Laura Downing & Annie Rialland (eds.) Intonation in African Tone Languages. Mouton, 19-50.
Chung, Younah, Page Piccinini & Sharon Rose. 2016. The interaction of polar question and declarative intonation with lexical tone in Moro. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 8.
Ritchart, Amanda & Sharon Rose. 2015. Schwas in Moro Vowel Harmony. In Ruth Kramer, Elizabeth Zsiga & One Tlale Boyer (eds.) Selected Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference on African Linguistics. Cascadilla Proceedings Project, 231-242.
Jenks, Peter & Sharon Rose. 2015. Mobile object markers in Moro: the role of tone. Language 91.2, 269-307.
Rose, Sharon, Farrell Ackerman, George Gibbard, Peter Jenks, Laura Kertz & Hannah Rohde. 2014. In-situ and ex-situ wh-question constructions in Moro. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 35.1, 91-125.
Colavin, Rebecca, Roger Levy & Sharon Rose. 2014. Modeling OCP-Place in Amharic with the Maximum Entropy Phonotactic Learner. Proceedings from the Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society 46, 27-41.
Rose, Sharon. 2013. The morphological structure of the Moro verb. In T. Schadeberg & R. Blench (eds.) Nuba Mountain Language Studies. Cologne: Rudiger Koppe, 25-56.
Strabone, Andrew & Sharon Rose. 2012. Morphophonological Properties of Moro Causatives. In B. Connell & N. Rolle (eds.). Selected Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference on African Linguistics. Cascadilla Proceedings Project, 92-103.
Jenks, Peter and Sharon Rose. 2012. Syllable Weight and High Tone in Moro. Proceedings of the the 45th Chicago Linguistic Society. Ryan Bochnak, Nassira Nicola, Peet Klecha, Jasmin Urban, Alice Lemieux and Christina Weaver (eds.), 271-285.
Rose, Sharon & Rachel Walker. 2011. Harmony Systems. In J. Goldsmith, J. Riggle & A. Yu (eds.) Handbook of Phonological Theory (2nd ed.). Blackwell.
Jenks Peter & Sharon Rose. 2011. High Tone in Moro: Effects of Prosodic Categories and Morphological Domains. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 29, 211-250.
Shosted, Ryan & Sharon Rose. 2011. Affricating ejective fricatives: the case of Tigrinya. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 41(1), 41-65.
Rose, Sharon. 2011. Long Distance Assimilation of Consonants. The Blackwell Companion to Phonology, Marc van Oostendorp, Colin Ewen, Elizabeth Hume, and Keren Rice (eds.). Wiley-Blackwell.
The 2000s (2000-2009)
Gibbard, George, Hannah Rohde & Sharon Rose. 2009. Moro Noun Class Morphology. In M. Matondo, F. McLaughlin & E. Potsdam (eds.) Selected Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference on African Linguistics. Cascadilla Proceedings Project, 106-117.
Rose, Sharon & Lisa King. 2007. Speech error elicitation and co-occurrence restrictions in two Ethiopian Semitic languages. Language and Speech 50, 451-504.
Rose, Sharon. 2007. Chaha (Gurage) Morphology. In A. Kaye (ed.) Morphologies of Asia and Africa. Eisenbraums, pp. 399-424.
Rose, Sharon. 2007. Muher. Encyclopaedia Aethiopica. Siegbert Uhlig (ed.). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 1063-1064.
Weidman, Scott & Sharon Rose. 2006. A foot-based reanalysis of edge-in tonal phenomena in Bambara. Proceedings of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 25: 426-434.
Rose, Sharon. 2006. Durational Conditions on Endegen Gemination. In. S. Uhlig (ed.) Proceedings of the XVth International Conference of Ethiopian Studies. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 843-850.
Banksira, Degif Petros & Sharon Rose. 2005. Western Gurage. Encyclopaedia Aethiopica. Siegbert Uhlig (ed.). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag
Rose, Sharon & Rachel Walker. 2004. A typology of consonant agreement as correspondence. Language 80, 475-531.
Rose, Sharon. 2004. Long distance vowel-consonant agreement in Harari. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 25, 41-87.
O'Bryan, Todd & Sharon Rose. 2004. Segmental effects on (de)gemination in Western Gurage. In A. Simpson (ed.) Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, Special Session on Afroasiatic Languages, pp. 87-98.
Rose, Sharon. 2003. The formation of Ethio-Semitic internal reduplication. In J. Shimron (ed.) Language Processing and Acquisition in Languages of Semitic, Root-based Morphology. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 79-97.
Rose, Sharon. 2003. Triple Take: Tigre and the case of internal reduplication. San Diego Linguistic Papers 1, 109-128.
Rose, Sharon. 2000. Epenthesis Positioning and Syllable Contact in Chaha. Phonology 17.3:397-425.
Rose, Sharon. 2000. Velar Lenition in Muher Gurage. Lingua Posnaniensis 42:107-116.
Rose, Sharon. 2000. Rethinking geminates, long-distance geminates and the OCP. Linguistic Inquiry 31:85-122.
Rose, Sharon. 2000. Multiple Correspondence in Reduplication. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, Matt Juge & Jeri Moxley (eds.), 315-326.
The 1990s (1992-1999)
Rose, Sharon. 1999. The (non)-interaction of lenition and reduplication. Papers from the 35th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society, 277-292.
Rose, Sharon. 1997. Featural Morphology and Dialect Variation: The Contribution of Historical Change. Variation, Change and Phonological Theory. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 146. F. Hinskens, R. van Hout & L. Wetzels (ed.) Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 235-272.
Rose, Sharon. 1996. Variable Laryngeals and Vowel Lowering. Phonology 13.1, 73-117.
Rose, Sharon. 1996. Allomorphy and Morphological Categories in Muher. Essays in Gurage Language and Culture. Grover Hudson (ed.) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 205- 227.
Rose, Sharon. 1996. Inflectional Affix Order in Ethio-Semitic. Studies in AfroAsiatic Grammar. J. Lecarme, Jean Lowenstamm & Ur Shlonksy (eds.) The Hague: Holland Academic Graphics, 337-359.
Rose, Sharon. 1995. Ethio-Semitic Inflectional Affix Order: A Phonological Solution. Langues Orientales Anciennes, Philologie et Linguistique 5-6, 259-291.
Rose, Sharon. 1995. Dialect Variation and Transparency: one constraint makes all the difference. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association. P. Koskinen (ed.), 507-518.
Rose, Sharon. 1994. Palatalization, Underspecification and Plane Conflation in Chaha. Proceedings of the Twelfth West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, Erin Duncan, Donka Farkas & Philip Spaelti (eds.), 101-116.
Rose, Sharon. 1994. The Historical Development of Secondary Articulation in Gurage. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, Special Session on Historical Issues in African Linguistics, K. Moore, D. Peterson & C. Wentum (eds.), 112-124.
Rose, Sharon. 1994. Guttural Contrasts. Proceedings of the MOT Conference on Contrast in Phonology. Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics 13:147-172.
Rose, Sharon. 1993. Inflectional Affix Order in Ethio-Semitic and Phonological Form.McGill Working Papers in Linguistics 8.2, 243-71.
Rose, Sharon. 1993. Coronality and Vocalic Underspecification.Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics 12.2, 155-177.
Rose, Sharon. 1992. Locality Conditions in Chaha Palatalization. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association, C. Dyck (ed.), 249-267.