
Political Science 12D: Introduction to International Relations

Semester: SPRING

Office Hours: Friday 12pm-12:50pm

This course introduces students to the study of international politics. The actions of nations and other political actors is increasingly complex and interdependent. Knowledge of world affairs is acentral element of the study of politics in the modern era. In this course, students will acquire thebasic analytic tools necessary to understand and explain a variety of international phenomenaincluding war, terrorism, globalization, environmental cooperation, and human rights practices.

Political Science 142A: United States Foreign Policy

Semester: FALL

Office Hours: 

Foreign policy stands at the nexus of domestic politics and international relations. This course is designed to familiarize students with U.S. foreign policy from three basic perspectives: history, politics, and current events. While instruction and materials focus on U.S. foreign policy, thetools acquired andinsights developed in the course should be applicable to other countries as well.

Political Science 142D: Weapons of Mass Destruction

Semester: SPRING

Office Hours: Friday 11am-11:50am

This course provides an overview of the threats posed to national and international security by chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons. Students will learn about how these weapons function, why states seek them, and how nations seek to prevent proliferation. The course will do this in part by delving into the technical and policy challenges related to these weapons. It will further address how CBRN weapons shape states’ national security strategies and regional security dynamics. Efforts at the international level to restrict the use and proliferation of these weapons will be discussed.We will also explore the future of WMD and CBRN terrorism.