Quiz Corrections Process

If you lose points on an in-class quiz (not the final), you have the opportunity to earn back half the lost points through a process called corrections:

Example of a full correction with explanation and citation of source

Your team of 6 estimated 80 hours of work for the 6 User Stories in your 10-day Sprint, but only completed 4 Stories, 60 hours worth, despite your team putting in the full 80 hours.  What was your Velocity?

Original Answer
4/10 = 2/5 Story/Day

Correction with Explanation
60 hours / 80 hours = 3/4 or 0.75

I thought that Agile Velocity was speed, so I calculated User Stories per day for the Sprint.  However, it is actually Efficiency.  This is calculated as the estimated time for the completed Stories divided by the estimated time for all the Stories in the Sprint.  Source: Day 4 slides, slide #23.

Note: The first two sentences explain the error, and the third sentence explains the correct approach.

*Adapted from Brigid Danziger, "Best Procedure for Test Corrections", Math Giraffe Blog, April 13, 2015.