Grading Details

Grading Scale

The grading scale in points/percent is:

     A+ = 97.00-100

     A   = 93.34-96.99

     A-  = 90.00-93.33

     B+  = 86.67-89.99

     B   = 83.34-86.66

     B-  = 80.00-83.33

     C+ = 76.67-79.99

     C   = 73.34-76.66

     C-  = 70.00-73.44

     D   = 60-69

     F   = 00-59

There is no curve.  The class is run so that everyone can earn an A.

Pre-Class Reading Quizzes and In-Class Quizzes

Pre-class reading quizzes allow a limited number of attempts (3-4, posted with the quiz), with the maximum score taken as your score. You cannot submit these reading quizzes late. We drop the two lowest pre-class reading quizzes.

In-class quizzes can be re-submitted with corrections, through which you can earn back up half of your lost points. This includes if you miss an in-class quiz.

For one in-class quiz during the quarter, you can submit corrections for full credit. This allows you to miss or do poorly on one quiz, as long as you make it up through the corrections process, with no penalty to your grade. The corrections process is the only mechanism for recovering credit for a missed quiz; we will not reschedule or offer separate quizzes for individual students (except, of course, for documented OSD accommodations).


Labs are performed and graded in pairs (you and a classmate).  Labs are generally checked off in person by a TA in lab, not submitted.  Late labs are not accepted.  We provide until Friday afternoon to complete labs that are not completed during the Lab time.

Project and Mini-Project

Points (percent) will be deducted for late project turn-ins. Please follow the directions carefully.

Regrades and Quiz Corrections

All regrade requests and quiz corrections must be submitted within one week of the grade being recorded.  For example, each week the Lab will close on Friday, and the grades should be recorded by Sunday.  In such event, you have until the following Sunday to note a problem with your Lab grade for that week.

If a regrade is requested on an in-class quiz or the final exam, it will be regraded in its entirety.

Dropping Low Grades and Quiz Corrections over Extra Credit

There is no extra credit offered exept for the Meet the Professor.  Instead, many graded elements allow for dropping some low results (reading quizzes), as I understand that sickness, interviews, or a bad day can happen from time to time.  Regular quizzes can be resubmitted with corrections.  See here for how extra credit works, and why I don't give extra credit:  wikipedia, youtube.

Missing a Quiz or Exam

There are no make-ups for missing a reading quiz.  There are no make-ups for missing an in-class quiz beyond the corrections process. Contact us as soon as you know of an extenuating circumstance that affects the final exam.