How it works

The class is organized around a simple iterative structure that can be scaled up or down depending on class size and term length.

What follows are the key steps to run the fiction. You can find a more detailed explanation in the Booklet.


1- Introduce students to the initial fictional narrative. A more detailed description of the initial 2031 scenario can be found here

2- Divide the class into GROUPS representing different actors and interests (e.g. nationalists, doctors, big tech corporations, environmental activists, etc). These groups will constitute the deliberative body of the GLOBAL PANDEMIC EXECUTIVE TASKFORCE. You can see a description of the groups and their interests here

3- Each Group is tasked to produce a PROPOSAL that must contain concrete actionable solutions for the problems presented in the fiction. You can see an example of a Proposal here.

4- PROPOSALS are then discussed, amended, and voted in the GENERAL ASSEMBLY. You can see a sample of voting in the General Assembly here

6- The Teaching Staff then creates a new fictional scenario based on how the world has changed over a decade as a result of the proposals that were approved in the General Assembly. Check the scenarios we created for 2041 and 2051.

7- The new fictional scenario is presented to the Groups, which begin work on the next round of Proposals to tackle the main challenges presented in the new fictional scenario

8- Rinse Repeat