Letters Of Recommendation

If you would like me to write you a letter of recommendation, you've come to the right place.    Here is a checklist for what you should do when you request a letter of recommendation:

Simply getting an A, or even an A+, in my class is not sufficient.  I have hundreds of students each year who get As in my classes, and simply talking about your strong performance in one or two classes will not make you stand out.  In order for me to write a letter for you, you must have done at least one (but preferably more) of the following:

Writing the letter is only part of the time required to submit a recommendation on you behalf.  Each school has a separate form to fill out, which takes time.  I am happy to submit recommendations for up to 8 schools/programs per applicant.  (Note: Each new "application season" resets this count.  I.e. If I submitted letters for 4 summer internships, and now you're asking for grad school letters a year later, the count goes back to 8 programs).  If you want me to write letters to more schools, please talk to me about it.  There are cases in which I am willing to do so.

Make sure the deadline is at least a month in the future if I have never written you a letter before.  If I have previously written you a letter, a week or so lead time will do.  I get dozens of requests for letters of recommendation, and I cannot accommodate all of them, so asking early ensures that you will get in the queue before it fills up.  You must send me ALL of the information listed on this page at least a month in advance.

Make a list of all of the programs you need a letter for and place this information in a Google doc which you share with me (cjalvarado@eng.ucsd.edu).   It's fine if this document is shared with all your letter writers.  Include the following information in a concise list for each program ordered by soonest deadline to latest deadline(example below):

I will assume each program will send me a link to a letter submission portal that contains information about what to write in the letter.   But if you want you can optionally provide a link to the program in your list.

Here's an example of what this should look like:

If I've agreed to write you a letter, then I obviously know something about you.   However, even if I know you extremely well, I work with literally thousands of students every year, and I've likely forgotten important details about you (e.g., which classes you took with me in which terms, when you started tutoring with me, etc).  So please send me and email with short bits of information that will remind me what to write about in my letter.  These should be things like:

These should not be things like:

In your email request, or a follow up email to your original request after you have looked at this page, you MUST include the following text (exactly as stated here):  "I consent to the release of personal and educational information about me in the letter of recommendation that I have requested from you.  This authorization shall remain valid unless and until it is rescinded in writing."

2-3 days before the deadline, please send me an email with a reminder that the deadline is approaching. 

If you ask me to write a letter, I expect that you will complete your part of the application.  Writing a good letter is time consuming.  I am happy to do it, but nothing drives me crazier than when I have put in the work to support your application and then you fail to complete your side of things.  So if you are not going to be able to meet the deadline for your piece of the materials, please let me know so that I don't waste my time.  Also please follow these instructions when submitting your requests to the various programs:

You should have all of this information for me ready to go before the deadline for making the request.  This will make the process smooth and easy.