Applying to be a Tutor

If you're looking at this page, it might be because you are interested in becoming a tutor for one of my classes.  That's great!   I encourage you to apply to work with me.  Tutoring is a fun and rewarding experience, and the groups I supervise always have a lot of fun (at least I think so).

This page contains some essential information about what I am looking for in a tutor, and how to maximize your chances of getting hired to work with me. This information and process might seem intimidating, but it's very likely that even if you are intimidated by this list you actually do have the necessary qualifications, so please apply!  It cannot hurt to apply--but if you don't apply you definitely won't get to tutor.

Essential characteristics and skills

Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to have gotten the highest grade in a class in order to be an excellent tutor for that class.  Some students who did very well do make excellent tutors, but other outstanding tutors struggled a bit with the class--what makes them excellent tutors is that they understand first-hand what the students in the class are struggling with and they know what to say to help alleviate this confusion. 

However, there are some essential skills and characteristics that you must have in order to be a tutor for me.  Here's what I am looking for. 

How to maximize your chances of getting a position with me

If you have any more questions, just email me.  Chances are it's a question someone else has too and I'll add it to this site.  I look forward to seeing your application!