Missed Lectures/Deadlines

Missed Deadlines for Homework Submissions

We allow two late days in total for paper summaries, the final project proposal, and the final project report. Please note that any submission made less than one day late will still be counted as one full day of delay.

Missed Lectures and Research Participation 

Note that attendance is not recorded for lectures in Week 1. While making up these sessions is not required, attending them is recommended to learn trustworthy AI, deep learning, and reinforcement learning fundamentals.

If you are unable to attend a lecture in any given week, you can make up for the weekly participation credit by discussing the assigned paper during my office hours. This must be done within one week of the missed lecture. You are allowed to make up lectures in this manner up to two times without justification.

For additional absences beyond this limit, credit cannot be obtained in this way unless there is a major issue (e.g., extended illness, serious injury, serious family problems). In such cases, you should contact the instructor and follow the protocols outlined in the Major Issues section below.

Major Issues

If you are facing major problems, it's crucial to contact your instructor ASAP to devise a suitable plan, which may require one or a series of in-person oral defense exams with your instructor during the final period.

Examples of major problems would be:

We may ask you to provide documentation (e.g. a doctor's note). You should typically be working with SDRC, your advisor, and/or the Dean of Students office. The Dean of Students office can be especially useful in situations where you are unable to personally notify your instructors (e.g., you are in hospital). They can also offer confirmation of any issues you may be facing where you prefer not to disclose all the details to the class staff.