Academic integrity policy

Academic integrity of the highest standards is expected of all students. The basic rule of thumb is simple: with respect to the intellectual contribution of all persons, please do your own work, otherwise, offer due credit. There are serious consequences for academic dishonesty. Please see the University policy for more detailed information:


Do not cheat, it is not worth it. Rather, ask the instructor or the TA for help. We are extremely open to collaboration and team learning, thus there will be a zero-tolerance policy toward cheating because there is no reason whatsoever to even consider doing so. The penalty for cheating is to fail the course (not just the task). Also, some students may not realize that seeking, retaining, sharing, or distributing prior homework or exam materials is not only a violation of integrity but is also illegal as the University retains copyright. There are very serious consequences at the University level for academic dishonesty: Academic Integrity Policies. 

Use of Large Language Models (e.g., GPT)

You are allowed to use LLMs for the purpose of polishing and refining your paper reviews or final project reports. This can include enhancing clarity, improving grammar, or refining the style of your original writing. However, you must retain the original version of your work at the end of the submitted documents, as the essence and core ideas must be authentically your own. Please be aware that using LLMs to create initial drafts of your assignments is strictly prohibited. The intention is to encourage original thought and critical analysis, ensuring that the primary work is a product of your own intellectual effort. Compliance with these guidelines is essential to maintain the integrity and value of your academic contributions.