Sun Valley Middle School Media Center

Common Sense Media

Trusted reviews for what your kids are reading.

Union County Public Library

All UCPS students have the ability to reserve or check out books using the credentials below:

Username: Student ID

Pin: 4 digit birth year

Book Fair!

See you back in the Fall of 2026!!

Meet Mrs. Mathieson


I grew up on the coast of N.C.. I am married and have  2 boys, James & Will. I have 3 dogs, Duke, Tucker, and Bastian. I love going to the beach, spending time with my family & friends, going to concerts and traveling. I graduated from East Carolina University with a major in Communications and a minor in Dance. I am currently back in graduate school at East Carolina University earning my Masters. 

My Favorites

Movie/TV Show: The Big Bang Theory & horror movies

Book: I love to read mysteries! I don’t have a favorite.

Flower: Daisy, hydrangea, magnolia, peony

Color: blue

Drink: Water or Chick-fil-a's diet lemonade

Season: Summer

Sport: Football

Fast Food/Restaurant: Chick-Fil-A 

Hobby: I play piano, read, and dance

Dessert/Candy: Watermelon Sour Patch Kids & Nerds Gummy Clusters

Store: Amazon, Target, and Altr'd State