

Some reconstructions are by default semantic

Talk at WCCFL42


Two Places Where We Need Plug-negation in Update Semantics

Talk at LENLS20 slides

Exhaustification and presupposition: Argument for weak negation

Talk at the 167th meeting of the Linguistics Society of Japan. slides 

What semantics tells us about scope and reconstruction

Workshop talk at the 41st Meeting of the English Linguistics Society of Japan. slides handout

Local context of logical connectives is not universal: A case study of Japanese disjunction

Talk at SuB28. slides handout

Dynamics and Alternatives in Unconditionals" (with Yu Hashimoto and Hajime Mori)

Talk at SuB28. slides

Anaphoricity and Saliency in Answering Negative Questions (with Giulio Ciferri Muramatsu)

Poster at SICOGG 25. poster 

Reconstruction Conflict: Evidence for Parallel Merge

Talk at "How Many Mothers?" workshop. slides

Telescope of Incremental Quantification

Poster at SALT33. poster

Choose Events of Situations: An Ambiguity of Japanese tara

Talk at The English Linguistic Society of Japan 16th International Spring Forum. slides

Crossover Effects with Set Indices: Evidence from Japanese Scrambling 

Poster at Japanese/Korean Linguistics 30  (Joint work with Yuta Tasumi). poster


Distribution Relative to Events in Dynamic Semantics

Poster at SuB27. poster  

Definite Expressions for Tenses: More Analogy between Pronouns and Tenses

Poster at Glow in Asia XIII. slides

Additive Prejecent and/or Additive Alternatives: A Principle and a Parameter in Mandarin and Japanese

Poster at GLOW 45 (Joint work with Xuetong Yuan). slides

Stronger Additivity Derives Concessivity

Talk at PLC 46 (Joint work with Xuetong Yuan). slides

Dynamics of Situations and Semantic Parameter within English

Talk at TLLM2022. slides handout

Stronger additivity: Toward a unification of additivity and concessivity

Talk at Theoretical Linguistics at Keio (Joint work with Xuetong Yuan)

Strawson Semantic Value: An explanation for the definite reading in ellipsis 

Poster at LSA2022. poster


Against Syntactic Neg- raising: Evidence from Polarity-Reversed Ellipsis in Japanese 

Poster at JK 29 (Joint work with Yuta Sakamoto and Yuta Tatsumi)

poster slides

Unifying Concessive Conditionals and Unconditionals in Japanese 

Talk at PLC 45


A Source of Defeasibility: Evidence from Japanese Object Experiencer Predicates

Talk at JK 27

Prospective Result of Causative Predicates: A Uniform Analysis 

Talk at PACLIC 33

A Unified Analysis for Actual and Prospective Result of Causative Predicates 

Talk at Morphology Lexicon Forum (MLF2019)


Sublexical Modality in Permission and Obligation Causative 

Talk at Nihon Gengo Gakkai (The Linguistic Society in Japan) 157