

Dynamics and Alternatives of Unconditional 

In Proceedings of SuB28. (Joint work with Yu Hashimoto and Hajime Mori). draft

Local Contexts of Logical Connectives are not Universal: A case study of Japanese disjunction

 In Proceedings of SuB 28. draft

Two Places where We Need Plug-Negation in Update Semantics: Symmetrical presupposition filtering and exclusive disjunction

In Proceedings of LENLS. draft

Telescope of Incremental Quantification

In Proceedings of SALT33. 

Crossover Effects with Set Indices: Evidence from Japanese Scrambling 

In Proceedings of Japanese/Korean Linguistics 30  (Joint work with Yuta Tatsumi)


Distribution Relative to Events in Dynamic Semantics

In Proceedings of SuB 27.     (Also submitted as a generals paper to UConn Linguistics)

Definite Descriptions for Tenses: More Analogy between Pronouns and Tenses

In Proceedings of Glow in Asia XIII. (p.270--)

Against Syntactic Neg- raising: Evidence from Polarity-Reversed Ellipsis in Japanese

In Proceedings of Japanese/Korean Linguistics 29.  (Joint work with Yuta Sakamoto and Yuta Tatsumi)


A Source of Defeasibility: Evidence from Japanese Object Experiencer Predicates

In Proceedings of Japanese/Korean Linguistics 27. draft 

Prospective Result of Causative Predicates: A Uniform Analysis

In Proceedings of 33rd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 33)