The Right to Quality Education for Refugee Children Through Social Inclusion

Thomas, R.L. (2016). The right to quality education for refugee children through social inclusion. Journal of Human Rights and Social Work, 1(3), 193-201.

Untold Experiences and Behaviors of Transmigrants Who Remit: A Qualitative Study

Thomas, R.L., Ferraj, B., Diamond, R., & Yagaloff, L. (2017). Untold experiences and behaviors of transmigrants who remit: A qualitative study. Social Development Issues, 39 (2), 62-74.

Remittances: The Impact on Families in Armenia

Thomas, R. L. Vardanyan, V., Yagaloff, L., & Diamond, R. (2018). Remittances: The impact on families in Armenia. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. Springer.

Returning Home: the Experiences of Resettlement for Syrian-Armenian Refugees into Armenia

Thomas, R.L., Felton, G., Yagaloff, L., & Yamaloyan, M. (2019). Returning home: The experiences of resettlement for Syrian-Armenian refugees into Armenia. Journal of International Migration and Integration. Pp. 1-16. Springer