
I spent my undergraduate years at Complutense University of Madrid in Spain obtaining a bachelor degree in physics and a masters degree in applied physics. After a short research stay at the Materials Science Institute of Madrid in the group of Mar Garcia Hernandez I went back to UCM to complete my PhD under the supervision of Jacobo Santamaria in the Physics of Complex Materials Group

After completing my PhD, I joined the "Oxitronics group" at  the CNRS/Thales lab in France to work under the supervision of Agnès Barthélémy and Manuel Bibes as a postdoctoral researcher in oxide based electronic devices. Later on, I moved to the angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) group at the University of Geneva (Switzerland) for a second postdoctoral position where I studied the electronic structure of two dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) stabilized at the surface of complex oxides under the supervision of Prof. F. Baumberger. 

I started my path to scientific independence after obtaining and Ambizione research grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation to explore the electronic structure of correlated systems by means of ARPES at the University of Geneva that continued with a tenure track "Atracción de talento" fellowship at Complutense University of Madrid

At present I am a tenured Associate Professor at the department of Materials Physics of Complutense University of Madrid