Vishal (Vi) Chakraborty

("Vi"/"Vee" as in "Ski")

Ph.D. Candidate, UC Irvine

(831) 239-7800


Curriculum vitae 

(Updated: July, 2024)

I am a Ph.D. student in the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Science at the University of California (UC), Irvine where I am advised by Professor Sharad Mehrotra and supported by a fellowship from the  the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI).  My research interests lie in data management with a focus on privacy methods, access control, and internet of things. 

Before coming to UC Irvine, I was a graduate student at UC Santa Cruz advised by Professor Phokion Kolaitis where I worked in Computational Social Choice focusing on aggregation of personal preferences.  My Erdős number is 3 (Paul Erdős → Bruce Lee Rothschild → Phokion Kolaitis → Me). Prior to that, I received  formal training at the University of Cambridge under the supervision of Professor Anuj Dawar.  I graduated summa cum laude in Computer Science and Philosophy from UC Davis where my honors committee comprised of (the late) Professor Aldo Antonelli, Professor Nina Amenta, Professor Elaine Landry, and Professor Norman Matloff.


Data-CASE: Data-CASE: Grounding Data Regulations for Compliant Data Processing Systems (EDBT 2024)

Vishal Chakraborty,  Stacy Ann-Elvy, Sharad Mehrotra, Faisal Nawab, Mohammad Sadoghi, Shantanu Sharma, Nalini Venkatsubhramanian, Farhan Saeed

VEIL: A Storage and Communication Efficient Volume-Hiding Algorithm  (SIGMOD 2024)

Shanshan Han, Vishal Chakraborty, Michael Goodrich, Sharad Mehrotra, Shantanu Sharma

Croesus: Multi-Stage Processing and Transactions for Video-Analytics in Edge-Cloud Systems (ICDE 2022)

Samaa Gazzaz, Vishal Chakraborty,  Faisal Nawab

Full Version on arXiv.

Classifying the Complexity of the Possible Winner Problem on Partial Chains (AAMAS 2021)

Algorithmic Techniques for Necessary and Possible Winners (ToDS 2021)

Vishal Chakraborty, Theo Delemazure, Benny Kimelfeld, Phokion G. Kolaitis, Kunal Relia, Julia Stoyanovich

ACM Transactions on Data Science (2021)

Full version on arXiv

GreenFLY: Adding Carbon to the Equation in Online Flight Searches (DUXU 2017)

A. Sanguinetti, A. Kwon, Y. Li, V. Chakraborty, S. Sikand, O. Tarehlo, Y.Chend, N. Amenta

Conference version presented at DUXU 2017 in Vancouver.