Polymer Science Club 

@UCI Chemistry


The Polymer Science Club at UCI is a student-led group started in the Department of Chemistry.  Our purpose is to instate a sense of community for polymer chemistry researchers at UCI and provide opportunities to learn a broad range of research skills and soft career skills, such as presentation, networking, and finding mentors. 


Club Meetings: We meet every three to four weeks. Please see the Meeting Schedule page or our Slack channel for the announcement. During these meetings, each member presents a self-chosen topic relevant to the group, such as trends in polymer chemistry research, technical methods, or data analysis. Attendees are encouraged to ask questions and learn something new from the presentation. Any graduate students at UCI who are doing polymer-related research and want to do a practice talk for candidacy, conference presentation, or thesis defense, please reach out to one of the board members at least one month in advance to schedule your presentation.

Social Events: We organize social events. Please see the Meeting Schedule page or our Slack channel for the announcement.

Alumni Talk: To help UCI polymer researchers prepare for their next step after their Ph.D., we invite UCI alumni in both academia and industry to hear about their graduate school experience, career paths, and words of wisdom. 

If you want to participate, please reach out to any of our board members or the faculty advisor, Seu Sim (s.sim@uci.edu)