Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to participate in the workshop as an applicant (and receive subawards)?

Eligibility criteria for applicants is as follows:

    • Hold a PhD, MD, or similar terminal degree in psychology, neuroscience, AI, philosophy, ML, cognitive science, physics, computer science, or similar/related field

    • Fulfill the following criteria to ensure you and your institution could receive a subaward:

      • Institutional:

        • Be employed at an institution in the United States that is eligible to receive US federal or charitable foundation funds (see FAQ for details)

      • Position/personal:

        • Be employed as a group leader, research faculty, tenure track faculty, or similar, or

        • Be starting such a position before the beginning of the subaward period in April 2022, or

        • Secure the written support of a faculty sponsor at such an institution who meets the above criteria and could receive the funds on your behalf

    • Applicants must not have tenure (early-career researchers only)

What is the timeline for applications and notice of acceptance?

Please have a look at the main home page for the timeline.

What kinds of institutions can receive subawards?

We follow the NIH and NSF guidelines for institutions’ eligibility. These include:

  • Your institution must be registered in SAM.gov and have an active DUNS and EIN number.

  • The regulations in 2 CFR part 180 restrict awards with certain parties that are debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation in Federal assistance programs or activities.

  • NIH guidelines on eligible institutions can be found here: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-20-185.html

  • NSF guidelines on eligible institutions are based upon the PAPPG: Eligible organizations are NSF grantees that are public or private colleges or universities or non-profit organizations whose primary purpose is the conduct of research or science education activities. State and municipal governments, public health units, hospitals, for-profit firms and individual PI/PDs are not eligible for excess government personal property under NSF sponsorship.

If you are not sure whether your organization is eligible to receive a subaward, please contact us.

What are the reporting requirements for subawardees?

Subawardees will be asked to submit an annual report outlining their activities under the subaward. These reports will be submitted by a form we deploy to subawardees; the due date for progress reports, including financial reporting, is likely to be April 30, 2023 (subject to revision based on funder’s requirements).

How do we receive subawards?

Selected subawardees will be notified by email and asked to fill out a Subaward Request Form (SRF).

What is the timeline for subaward approval and actual disbursement?

Once UCI receives the SRF, UCI will review and confirm the documents. We aim to issue the subaward documents to the recipient institution within one to two weeks of receipt. From there, it is up to your institution’s grants office to finalize the paperwork with UCI’s grants office. Then, once your institution issues an invoice, the subaward funds will be disbursed.

How do I get reimbursed for travel expenses?

Attendees (early-career researchers) will be reimbursed up to $600 for travel expenses. Amounts in excess of that amount may be allowed dependent on available remaining funds, but are not guaranteed.

Instructions for which form to fill out and where to send it are forthcoming.

Expert panelists and Program officers will not be reimbursed but will receive an honorarium instead.