Hyperbolic teselation by a Fuchsian group of signature (0; 6,4,2)

Examples and experiments assisted by algorithms on Sagemath or Magma

The routines and algorithms can be found at my GitHub profile

Here we work out one of the curves known as "Wiman sextic". This example was partially included in [2], here we compute the hyperbolic polygon uniformizing the action, among other results, following [1].


[1] Behn, Antonio; Rodríguez, Rubí E.; Rojas, Anita M. Adapted hyperbolic polygons and symplectic representations for group actions on Riemann surfaces. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 217 (2013), no. 3, 409–426.

[2]  Behn, Antonio; Rojas, Anita M.; Tello-Carrera, Miguel; A SAGE Package for n-Gonal Equisymmetric Stratification of Mg. Exp. Math. 32 (2023), no. 1, 54–69. https://doi.org/10.1080/10586458.2020.1763872 

PDF File generated by running the experiment on Sagemath
