The Metamaterial Laboratory (MML) is a faclity we have built at Fermilab to prodcue metamtaterial optical elements for millimeter wave experiments. This facility includes two custom dicing saws used to produce metamterial antirefleciton coatings and other meta structures on silicon and alumina optical elemnts. Each of these saws includes up to four dicing spindles, sub-micron metrology, and a rotatry stage. These saws have reduced the time to produce a 40 cm silicon lens to about a week which is a factor of four or more speedup over the previus approach in our lab. This acceleration was broaught about by eliminating the need to make blade changes or to rotate the lens by hand during prodcution. This also has enabled the prodcution of alumina AR coatings for the first time. In the past we have also fabricated metamterial half-wave plates.