Digital Citizenship

In class we talked about digital footprints, and how they can effect your life. We created a footprint and added textboxes and pictures to describe what we'd like our digital footprint to look like when we get older. This particular lesson was very interesting to me because it made me realize that everything that I put or post online can effect me in a good or bad way later on in my life.

Kami Export - Don't Feed the Phish - How to Catch A Phish Student Handout.pdf

This is the How To Catch A Phish Assignment

This particular assignment became very useful to me because if I ever get an email, text, pop-up, etc. that looks fishy or involves any of the clues in the assignment above, I'd know how to point out and handle it.

Who Are You Online? - The Finsta Debate Student Handout

This is the Finsta Debate handout

The Finsta Debate is a debate about whether Finstas (fake instas) are a good idea or not. This handout is an organizer to type down pros and cons of finstas. I personally don't own more than one Instagram account, but this lesson still had profound effects on me because now I know why some people have finstas, and why they can be good and bad.