Statement of Student Integrity

For exams and significant quizzes, we encourage you to encourage a statement of integrity that students must affirm before taking the exam (e.g., as the first question on the exam). See this page for more information and evidence of efficacy.

The first question on your exam/quiz can be something like this:

Please read the following statement and answer True or False to indicate whether you agree with it.

As a student at UC Davis, I hold myself to a high standard of integrity, and by signing/accepting the statement below I reaffirm my pledge to act ethically by honoring the UC Davis Code of Academic Conduct. I will also encourage other students to avoid academic misconduct.

I acknowledge that the work I submit is my individual effort. I did not consult with or receive any help from any person or other source. I also did not provide help to others. I may work with others only if the instructor gave specific instructions, and only to the extent allowed by the instructor.

I understand that suspected misconduct on this assignment/exam will be reported to the Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs and, if established, will result in disciplinary sanctions up through Dismissal from the University and a grade penalty up to a grade of “F” for the course.

I understand that if I respond False to this statement, the instructor may not grade this work and may assign a grade of “0” of “F”.