Moderator Expectations

Clearly communicate to your TA / Tutor your expectations. For example"

  • Logistics

    • ‘Arrive’ at least 10 minutes early

    • Pay full attention to the lecture

    • Please be in a quiet place where you can have your video on.

  • Technical details

    • Please be sure that you are familiar with Zoom. That you can open the Chat window and the Participant window. That you can scroll through the participants. Zoom tends to be quite jumpy - when we go from share screen to not, expect the windows to shuffle around.

    • If you choose a virtual background (which are so cool), please put up a static one - the moving ones are annoying and take more bandwidth.

  • Interactions with me

    • You will be the person that I am lecturing too, so please nod a lot and smile. And laugh at my jokes. It is very disorienting to speak with no feedback.

    • You will not have a ‘raise hand’ so you will need to get my attention by waving or speaking.

    • Tell me when I'm not sharing my screen - or if I don't seem to be sharing the correct portion of my screen

    • Feel free to make up student questions, if you want to help me clarify something!

    • Please give me "10 minutes" warning if I have lost track of time

  • Student interactions

    • Please monitor the chat and interrupt me when you need to.

    • Collect and organize questions and wait for a pause in the lecture to ask me.

    • I will discourage students from chatting you administrative questions and to focus on the content that we are covering today.

    • Use your judgement about if a question is content oriented and relevant to many students or just needs to be followed up later (and remember to follow up later).

    • The students will not be able to see each others questions..

    • Please monitor the ‘raised hands’ and let us know if we don’t see one.

    • Perhaps post a repeated ‘welcome…’ message on the chat so that new joiners would be able to see it. ??what should it include??

    • At least one lecture a week will be recorded, so let’s not use student names. “A student has asked…” rather than “Johnny wants to know"