Canvas and Zoom Technical Tips


Schedule course meetings (lectures, office hours) through Canvas>Zoom.

  • Give them informative titles "Live Lecture" not "PSC001"

  • These will automatically be added to the Canvas Calendar

  • The students just click the link to join the meeting. They do not need to know the meeting ID

  • Set cloud recording - it has worked great (you don't have to remember to turn it on)

Instructions for using PowerPoint Presenter View with only one monitor

Awww shucks - why does it work like that?

  • There are different settings in Canvas>Zoom and and you really need to go to both versions to get the settings 'right'

  • Each Instructor or TA must schedule their own Zoom times - you can't be in more than one place at a time and 'alternate host' doesn't release the primary host.

  • If you change a meeting - the changes will not automatically update the Canvas Calendar. Be sure to keep the Calendar clean and accurate

  • Zoom always starts on the hour - there is no way to say 12:10

  • There is no way to release a Zoom meeting in Canvas to a subset of the students - it is all or none

  • You can 'broadcast a message to all breakout rooms' but the message is fleeting. Try copying the message before you send it and send it every 10 seconds 3 or 4 times in a row.

  • Once you create breakout rooms you can reuse them but not increase the number of rooms - always create as many as may need.

  • The Zoom app will not show you your 'upcoming meetings' for meetings scheduled through Canvas.

Canvas > Quizzes

    • Accommodations (increased time): You can manage the time allowed for individual students after the quiz is published to accommodate SDC time extensions.

    • Quiz Grading: All student answers can be downloaded as a .csv from Canvas Quiz (statistics > student analysis report). Grading from this .csv can be quicker than using SpeedGrader but will not allow you to give item-by-item feedback to students.

    • Question Banks.
      +NewQuestionGroup > Link to Question Bank > Pick x Question > Worth y points.

      • To deliver each student a subset of the bank and randomize the order of the questions

      • Or to repeat a question (like the honesty pledge) on multiple quizzes

Canvas > Content

Use Pages to organize your course into weeks or topics

You can easily embed your material in Canvas. Click the little 'v' (on the toolbar next to YouTube) > Embed Kaltura Media and choose your video.

Pre-Flight Checklist

Open Canvas in a browser

Open PPT with your lecture deck and any landing site deck

iClicker Cloud

Start Class in iClicker

Open the Canvas>Zoom room 10 minutes before start of lecture

Share 2nd Desktop

Start the landing site deck

Participants… More>

Check that ‘play sound on entry and exit’ is not activated

Mute on entry

Set Chat to ‘Everyone publicly and privately’ for the 10 minutes before class starts.

Hover on TAs name in Participants and ‘make co-host

Turn on your mic and video. Let them know that you will be turning the Chat to host only

Set Zoom Chat to ‘host only

Have a clock visible somewhere else.

If using iPhone as doc cam:


  • set display to ‘never’ auto-lock

  • set airplane mode

  • open camera

  • take photo of blank template