UCDavis Psychology Instructional Resources
Advice & Resources
Courses Policies and Procedures
some online delivery, simulcasting, final exams
Campus Ready (up to date COVID policies)
Student view Schedule Builder
course descriptions, meeting times, locations
Check prereq petitions and see student emails or download a roster at photorosters
Information for students about requesting PTA
Class Resources & Equipment
Information about Equitable Access (flat fee for all required materials)
Adopt textbooks
Contact: textbooks@ucdavis.edu
iClicker. An audience response system that works in person and remotely. Campus has a site license, the iClicker app is free for all.
Info on reserves at the Library
Library Reserves are all electronic and are managed through the "Reading List" tool on Canvas.
Textbooks - find your publisher rep
Assign students to participate in research through Sona
Training and instructional strategies for campus-supported tools
Canvas LMS
contact: movetocanvas@ucdavis.edu
contact: lecturecapture@ucdavis.edu
Aggie Video
contact: aggievideo@ucdavis.edu
Old School Tools
Set up a class or other email listserv
Record lecture audio only: Podcasting
Get to Know Your Students
Classroom Hotline (530) 752-3333
for AV help, facilities, custodial, etc
Reserve department rooms or labs
Evaluate Student Learning
Students with documented disabilities may need special accommodations. You will receive an email from SDC detailing the accommodations.
tech support: Chris Kaufman ckaufman@ucdavis.edu
Testing center (through SDC) is available for large classes or classes with large numbers of accommodations
Score multiple choice exams
GradeScope is available in Canvas and streamlines grading written assignments
TurnItIn is available for Canvas Assignments (not quizzes).
Other plagiarism checking options
Reserve department testing rooms
Submitting Grades
College and Department Support
Administrative Support
Email the Psychology Business Office psychadmin@ucdavis.edu with copy jobs and other administrative requests. Please give 5 days turn around for all copy jobs.
Undergraduate Advising Support
Email the Undergrad Advisors at pscscheduling@ucdavis.edu for PTA numbers
Instructional Support Units
Faculty Support & Development
View your evaluations (available after final grades have been submitted)
CEE: Listserv of teaching events. Sign up
Student Resources
Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs
Grade calculating tool
Aggie Compass Basic Needs (e.g., food or housing) Rapid Referral
Red Folder (Student mental health support)
Student campus resources
Retroactive Change Petition (i.e., change letter grade to P/NP)
This page was created and is maintained by Victoria Cross. Please email me with suggestions for additional information or corrections.