10 Fun Facts You Might Not Know About Wine

A common misconception is that sweet wines have more claories because of their sugar content, while in reality most of the time it is alcohol level that increases the calorie count!

2. Champagne Stronger Than Wine!

Champagne has an alcohol percentage of about 12.2%, which is slightly lower than the average alcohol percentage of red wine (about 12.5 %). However, you may notice that you feel tipsier after a few glasses of champagne than a few glasses of wine. This is because the gas (bubbles) from champagne allow your stomach to absorb it faster and quickly enter your bloodstream. Be careful of these evil sweet sparkling wines!

3. Every Bottle Size Have Their Own Names!

Wine bottles come in various sizes, each with its own unique name.  These names are often associated with larger bottles and are inspired by biblical figures, historical characters, and traditional wine culture. It's important to note that the names for larger bottle sizes can vary between regions and wine styles.

4. Room Temperature Wines Are Not Room Temperature!

Wines that served ar room temperature are served at 60-68°F, whichi is cooler than most homes. Serving wine at the correct temperature is crucial to ensure that its flavors and aromas are expressed optimally. Serving a wine too cold might cause lacking of aroma and tastes of sour. Serving a wine too hot might make it smell medicinal.

5. Tannins Are From The Skins And The Seeds!

Tannin is a naturally occuring polyphenol found inplants. Tannin is unique to red wine, since white wines ferment without skins. In wine, tannin is not necessarily a flavor but a textural astringent taste.

6. Chardonnay And Cabernet Sauvignon Is The Two Most Cultivated Wine Grape Cultivars In California!

7. Pinot Noir Is Originally From Burgundy!

Pinot Noir is a red wine grape variety that is renowned for its elegance, versatility, and ability to express the characteristics of the terroir where it is grown. Pinot Noir is believed to have originated in the Burgundy region of France. It is considered one of the oldest grape varieties in the world. It is very sensitive to climatic conditions and traditionally not blended with other wines.

8. The Two Major Acids In Wine Is Tartaric And Malic Acid!

9. Only Champagne From Champagne Can Be Called Champagne!

The term "Champagne" is legally protected and reserved exclusively for sparkling wines produced in the Champagne region of France. This designation is protected by both French and international laws, and it is part of the broader system of geographical indications (The Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée (AOC) system) that safeguard the names of wines associated with specific regions.

10. The World's Oldest Winery Is In Armenia!

The Areni-1 cave complex, located in the Vayots Dzor province of Armenia, is recognized as one of the oldest winemaking facilities in the world. The winemaking facility in the cave dates back to around 4100 BC, making it over 6,000 years old. This places it in the Chalcolithic period. Within the cave, archaeologists found a wine press and several fermentation vessels. The wine press consists of a shallow basin carved into the rock with a drain to collect the grape juice.