The Present

Asian American activism continues to persists to this day. Built from the enduring legacies of cross-cultural, radical movements, Asian American activism continues to confront America's enduring inequity while reimagining the narrative and meaning of an "Asian American" experience. And although the socio-political project of "Asian America" has been complicated from its emergence as a constructed identity to an established demographic, Asian Americans continue to challenge persistent stereotypes of othering, defend against Anti-Asian hate, and advocate for a more equitable, disaggregated representation of the many communities and narratives within the demographic.

Promotional Poster for Contemporary Asian American Activism and Intergenerational Perspectives


Contemporary Asian American Activism symposium attendees

January 2019

Courtesy of Wayne Jopanda

Left to right: Alex Tom, Wayne Jopanda, Katherine Lee, Diane Fujino, Karen Umemoto, Ben Lee, Pam Tau Lee, Mo Nishida, Robyn Rodriguez, Ga Young Chung, and Eddy Zheng.

Angel Trazo (Artist)

“50 Years, Asian American Studies at UC Davis”

Department of Asian American Studies

Bulosan Center for Filipino Studies
Recent Anti-Asian Hate and Violence Incidences in the Sacramento Region,
May 23, 20221

Read the full report at this link:

Raul Morales Jr. (Photographer)

Annelle Garcia at the COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) Protests, March 2020

Courtesy of Raul Morales Jr

This sketch was used by APSEA's campaign to urge California's Asian American Community to vote for Prop 16, which strived to reinstate equal opportunity programs such as affirmative action in California.

To read the issue, please click this link:

Asian Pacific State Employees Association (APSEA)

Black Lives Matter sketch for the "Vote YES on Prop 16" campaign

Currents (Asian Pacific American Community Newspaper Serving Sacramento and Yolo Counties), Volume 33, No. 3 Fall/October 2020

"The nearly 25-year ban on affirmative action here has shut a generation of Black and Latino/a students out of equal opportunity to a high-quality education." - Vincent Pan (Opportunity for All Coalition)

Book Cover

Contemporary Asian American Activism: Building Movements for Liberation, 2022

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