Research Article

Albena Goulisheva- UWP1 Research Article: It Can Be a Woman's World in Political Science Too

It Can Be a Woman's World in Political Science Too

  • In revising my research article, what was immediately challenging for me was my lack of survey respondents, and how that affected the way I had to present my findings. I knew I had to discuss the experience of the individuals, as well as incorporate my demographic questions, as my research article is a gendered study. While it was challenging to discuss my findings in a broader sense considering my small sample size, I found that my literature review supported my findings, which helped me articulate my discussion and findings section. By corroborating statistics from the UC Davis undergraduate population with findings from varying reliable research articles, I established the validity of my research questions and my findings.

  • In regards to the research process, I learned about all the thorough planning that goes behind writing such an article. We incorporated a plethora of genres to produce one final paper that has been revised multiple times by multiple perspectives and undergone intelligent changes and revisions. Because of the amount of work that's gone into every step of the process, I've grown extremely proud of my conclusions, the literature review, and how they corroborate each other.