Annotated Bibliography

Albena Goulisheva- Annotated Bibliography
  • What I found challenging in this assignment, as well as what my revisions mostly focused on, was specificity in my annotations for how exactly each source would directly serve in answering my research question. For this I had to really evaluate three things: how my research question, the source's summary, and my intention for using the source all lined up, and stating that specifically in my annotation. Overall, I learned that the research process starts from lots of planning ahead, rather than just jumping in and writing a bunch of pages. It's a very well thought out, thoroughly revised, and planned out process, which in turn ends up being a very precise, focused, and effective research paper.

  • In writing my annotated bibliography, I found it helped me both organize my ideas and revise my research questions. I learned how to use Google Scholar and the UC Davis Library through practice searching for sources, which is a great skill to have as an undergraduate student at a research university. Secondly, in order to find sources that would be useful to me, I knew I had to break down my research question so that I could address all aspects of it in my paper. I ended up adding "in UC Davis" to my first research question, with the goal of corroborating findings in my own data that I take of the UC Davis population, with that of research from other universities, as well as establish my own positionality as woman at UC Davis studying Political Science, in order to develop a very thorough, insightful, and complete research paper.