
Last update: Sept 2024

Dr. Simone Ciuti, lab leader

Since Oct. 1st, 2017 - Assistant Professor of Wildlife Biology, University College Dublin, Ireland.

2013 - 2017 - Lecturer, University of Freiburg, Germany.

2012 - 2013 - Research Associate, University of Alberta, Canada.

2010 - 2012 - Postdoc, University of Alberta, Canada.

2006 - 2010 - Postdoc, University of Sassari, Italy.

2002 - 2006 - PhD in Behavioural Ecology (with honours), University of Sassari, Italy.

2001 - 2002 - Research Assistant, University of Pisa, Italy.

1994 - 2001 - Laurea Degree in Biological Sciences (with distinction; equivalent to BSc + MSc), University of Pisa, Italy.

I am a quantitative behavioural ecologist interested in studying large mammals (mainly, but not limited to) within human dominated landscapes, understanding the effects of human disturbance on wildlife and tackling human-wildlife conflicts.  I am very lucky to be surrounded by excellent people, we are a very vibrant and dynamic team based in Dublin, Ireland, but with research projects spread around the globe. In a nutshell, we monitor wildlife to learn more about its ecology and behaviour, and improve its management and conservation. Feel free to browse our website and find out the several projects we are working on.  

Media: Google scholar   UCD webpage   ResGate   Twitter @UCD_wildlife   ORCID


Dr. Virginia Morera Pujol, postdoc

Virginia is a marine spatial ecologist, and, more in general, a high-skilled data analyst. She completed her PhD on the “Multi-colony approaches to study migratory and foraging strategies in pelagic seabirds” at the University of Barcelona. In it, she studied the population structure of three species of shearwater based on their non-breeding distributions and the environmental and behavioural drivers of their foraging distributions. Later, she went on to study the interactions between fisheries and seabirds and the suitability of marine protected areas for the mitigation of these interactions. Although her research so far has been focused mainly on marine environments, her interests are in spatial ecology and behavioural drivers of movement in animals, and their conservation, regardless of the environment. Virginia has been working in our SmartDeer project modelling deer distribution and abundance data across Ireland. She has recently started a new project applying the same class of Bayesian models (INLA) used in SmartDeer, this time to model badger distribution and relative abundance across Ireland.

Virginia joined the lab in 2020 and is currently under a long-term contract until the end of 2024.  Researchgate   Twitter  Google scholar 

Dr. Kilian Murphy, postdoctoral researcher

Kilian's research focuses on providing data-driven solutions to large herbivore management conflicts. Kilian uses data, simulations, and tech to disentangle the cause of long-term management conflicts and provide evidence-based management options for stakeholders and policymakers. Kilian is currently developing a badger Agent Based Model to tackle current and future challenges with bovine-tuberculosis control in Ireland. 

PhD students

Adam Smith, PhD student

Adam works on large carnivore ecology across Europe, with a focus on the effects of movement, activity, and human-impacts on predator-prey interactions in Ukraine and Belarus. Adam is based in the Bavarian Forest National Park, a student in the University of Freiburg, and a research fellow of the Frankfurt Zoological Society.  Supervisors: Dr. Marco Heurich (main), Dr. Simone Ciuti (co-supervisor)

Kim Conteddu, PhD student

Kim is a PhD student in data science at the SFI Centre for Research Training in Foundations of Data Science (SFI - Data Science). Her interest lies in using novel statistical and machine learning techniques to improve the health of wildlife, domestic animals and humans. She is currently using social network analysis to understand the impact that human factors have on bovine tuberculosis spillover events between wildlife and cattle. Supervisors: Dr. Simone Ciuti (UCD School of Biology and Environmental Science) and Dr. Michael Salter-Townshend (UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics). Twitter: @KConteddu

Matteo Bastianelli, PhD student

Matteo is particularly interested in studying mammalian carnivores ecology and behaviour and how they respond to increasing anthropogenic pressures. Matteo's research is focused on the impact of the road network on European wildcat and Eurasian lynx movement behaviour and survival across Europe. He is based in the Bavarian Forest National Park and he is a student at the University of Freiburg. Besides, Matteo is the data curator of Eurowildcat. Supervisors: Dr. Marco Heurich (main), Dr. Carsten Dormann (co-supervisor), Dr. Simone Ciuti (co-supervisor)

Jane Faull, PhD student

Jane’s research focuses on the impact of human mediated feeding activities on the fallow deer ecology and behaviour in Phoenix Park, Dublin. The goal of this project is to better understand how human activities are impacting wildlife which can help to improve management strategies going forward.

Cong Yu, PhD student

Cong’s research focuses on neonatal personality traits in fallow deer in Phoenix Park, Dublin. Currently exploring the relationships between these traits and male dispersal—a key process in sexually segregated species, his research is to better understand how individual traits during the neonatal stage influence the dispersal patterns and subsequent life-history traits observed among male fallow deer.

Liam Kirwan, PhD student

Liam’s interests lie in using empirical knowledge to improve biodiversity conservation and management, particularly relating to mammals. His research focuses on the variety of feeding ecologies among Irish deer species, with the aim of informing effective, tailored management of deer within forestry and agroforestry settings. 

Adams Kipchumba, PhD student

Adams takes a keen interest in animal movement ecology, conservation conflicts and socio-ecological systems. He is based in Kenya working for the Giraffe Conservation Foundation in securing a future for all giraffe populations in the wild. His research will focus on the conservation ecology of the threatened Masai giraffe in southern Kenya. (Photo credits: Courtney Marneweck, GCF, Klein)

Hannah Pepe, PhD student

Hannah’s research is focused on the effects of wolf recolonisation on red deer behaviour in the context of Europe’s anthropogenic landscapes. She is addressing this research question through movement ecology and using long term telemetry data from red deer in central Europe. Hannah is based in the Bavarian Forest National Park under the European funded Interreg project “Ecological impact of the return of wolves on the Šumava/Bavarian Forest ecosystem”, and is a student at the University of Freiburg. Outside of her PhD, she volunteers for Rewilding Europe’s youth network European Young Rewilders and is interested in human-wildlife(carnivore) coexistence. Supervisors: Dr. Marco Heurich and Dr. Simone Ciuti; mentor: Dr. Anne Hertel.

Fiachra Corcoran, PhD student

Fiachras research to date has ranged from behavioral studies on fallow deer to freshwater invasive species. He is now working on the DAFM-funded project deerImpact examining the effects of deer on Irish forestry and woodland ecosystems in Ireland.

Colin Brock, PhD student

Comin up - Colin's bio and project

Other people in the lab (undergrad theses, taught master's, visiting fellows)

Students' cohort 2024/2025

Alina Slivkina & Niamh McGrath will be working in autumn-winter 2024/25 on their final year zoology projects and tackling camera trap data collected across Ireland, particulalry looking at deer and their impact on biodiversity. Likewise, Laura Karolewska will work on her final year project dealing with behavioural ecology of fallow deer in Phoenix Park, Dublin. 

Past members

Students' cohort 2023/2024

Owen Small and Yujing Zhou worked on their Taught Masters' theses dealing with the impact of overabundant deer populations on biodiversity. Sarah Darcy and Liam Kirwan did their final year undergrad theses (Zoology) testing new approaches to estimate deer populations within peri-urban areas. Likewise, Beth Dimon worked on her Zoology final year project on the impact of deer on biodiversity.  Finally, Liam Kirwan, Sarah Darcy, and Niamh Collins received funding from the Crawford-Hayes fund to work on a number of ongoing deer projects in the lab. 

Lab guests 2024

Dario Moreira-Arce (link) is an assistant professor who visited the lab in January and February 2024 to analyse fox data (multiple species) from Chile.  Francesco Sganzerla is a PhD student from Ferrara University, Italy, and worked with us on a project dealing with the effect of human disturbance on ibex and wild boar movement ecology and chronobiology

Sarah Redmond, research MSc (2024)

Sarah worked for her resMSc on a project tackling the effect of human feeding deer on their ecology particularly looking at potential disruptions of male-male interactions and mating behaviour in fallow deer.

Univeristy of Limerick CRT, Schumann Building.
Pictured is Prabhleen Kaur, UCD. Photo by Alan Place.

Prabhleen Kaur, PhD (VIVA: Aug 2024)

Prabhleen is a data scientist interested in exploring the ecology of interactions among large herbivores using social network analysis. In September 2019, Prabhleen started her Phd with SFI Centre for research training (SFI CRT webpage) and worked under the supervision of Dr. Michael Salter-Townshend (UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics) and Dr. Simone Ciuti (UCD School of Biology and Environmental Science). Prabhleen successfully developed novel statistical methods that can be applied in the social network analysis of animal societies.

Holly English, PhD (VIVA: Aug 2024)

Holly is a highly skilled movement ecologist who secured the prestigious IRC fellowship and started her PhD journey in September 2019. Her PhD project disentangled foraging behaviour in canids (foxes, wild dogs, maned wolves) at a resolution never attempted before using the most recent advvances with biologging and accelerometry. She put together an outstanding multi-disciplinary team and was co-supervised by  Prof. Tim Coulson (University of Oxford) and  Prof. Luca Borger (Swansea University).  Twitter: @Lycaonpictus93 

Kilian Murphy, PhD (VIVA: Feb 2024)

Kilian's research focused on providing data-driven solutions to large herbivore management conflicts. Kilian used data, simulations, and tech to disentangle the cause of long-term management conflicts and provide evidence-based management options for stakeholders and policymakers. Kilian has completed research on wolves and deer for his Undergraduate thesis and has been completing a research project on the predator-prey dynamics of Coyote and Mule Deer in modified landscapes in North Dakota since 2018. Kilian has been working in the SMARTDEER project, using statistical models to monitor and study Deer population density and distribution in Ireland to provide data-driven management strategies to combat management conflicts. 

Colin Brock, research assistant 2023-2024

Colin already contributed to lab activities in the past by working under the unbrella of DAFM-funded SMARTDEER project, looking at the impact of deer on Irish forest ecosystems. Colin also took the role of research assistant in our more recent project bioDEERversity tackling the effect of deer on biodiversity and particularly looking at the effects of locally over-abundant deer populations on soil ecology, and plant, mammal and bird diversity. 

Amy Haigh, UCD technical officer 2018-2021 

Amy completed her BSc (Hons) in Zoology at NUI Galway. Her fourth-year project was based on the use by various mammalian species of an urban park and the effects of development and disturbance. In October 2011, Amy completed a PhD at University College Cork entitled “The Ecology of the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) in rural Ireland.” In October 2012, Amy commenced a post doc at UCC on the “population dynamics, habitat use, philopatry and feeding behaviour of the red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)”. In March 2015, Amy commenced a second post doc at Teagasc, Moorepark entitled “Environmental enrichment to reduce tail biting in pig farms”, looking at the behaviour of farmed pigs and ways to improve welfare standards. She significantly contributed to our lab activities as a technical officer at the UCD School of Biology and Environmental Science by participating in the fallow deer longitudinal study in Phoenix Park, Dublin. Amy's research interests are in terrestrial mammal ecology, conservation, welfare and animal behaviour.  

Anna David, UCD technical officer 2021-2024

Anna completed her BSc (Hons) in Zoology at University College Dublin where her fourth-year research project focussed on investigating the autecology and diet of perlid stoneflies in Irish rivers. After completing her undergraduate degree, she spent some time in ecological reserves in a number of tropical locations including Mexico, Costa Rica, and Indonesia. Assisting with conservation work and data collection in the tropics led her to completing a research masters in Tropical Forest Ecology at Imperial College London. For this, her research project focussed on using ptilochronology as a proxy of physiological stress in bird species of Brazil’s Atlantic Forest and how this changes with distance to range edge and forest cover.  Anna has contributed significantly to our lab research and growth by carrying out research on the behavioural ecology of fallow deer in Phoenix Park, Dublin, covering the maternity leave of Amy Haigh.

Students' cohort 2023 (undergrads, taught master's, visiting fellows)

Elod Marton, Caitlin Phipps, Anna Bismilla and Elizabeth Earley worked on their final theses for the Zoology degree (BSc) on very different topics: giraffe chronobiology in the Namib desert, mating behaviour of subadult fallow deer, and behaviour of fallow deer fawns during the first weeks of life. Conor Sweeney completed his taught master's thesis on "Developing accessible camera trap (CT) and citizen science protocols for biodiversity monitoring on Irish farmland" co-supervised by Dr. Emma Hart. 

Renée Khouri, visiting master's student

Renée was a visiting master's student who worked on her thesis project for the EMJMD IDOH (Infectious Diseases and One Health) programme. Her project applied quantitative methods to shed light on the nuanced relationships between human-mediated landscape disturbances, the behaviour of wildlife species, and bovine tuberculosis breakdowns in cattle.

Andrew Ryan, research MSc (2023)

Andrew has been looking at infectious diseases afflicting the fallow deer in the Phoenix park. By working closely with vets from the UCD veterinary school (Dr. Nicola Fletcher and Dr. Annetta Zintl) he has been looking at the prevalence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the Toxoplasma gondii protozoan parasite.

Cliodhna Hynes, research MSc (2023)

Clíodhna's research looked at the movement ecology of the Angolan giraffe in the northern Namib desert, Namibia. Cliodhna has disentangled differences in movement strategies between males and females in relation to mate search and reproduction.

Colin Brock, research MSc (2023)

Colin’s research has focused on the interactions between deer species and national forests. By combining deer abundance, densities and presence with Ireland’s National Forest Inventory, he has tackled the factors that drive deer damage in forests. The aim of this project was to improve our understanding of how different deer species effect our national forests and provide relevant management strategies. 

Laura Griffin, PhD (VIVA: Dec. 2022)

Laura investigated the complex interactions between Fallow Deer (Dama dama) and humans in terms of supplementary feeding in Phoenix Park, Dublin. The goal of this research was to study the impact of tourist feeding on deer in relation to movement ecology, hierarchy, physiological factors and mating success. This has been culminated in a better understanding of the potential for artificial selection due to human activities. She has also implemented management techniques, and tested their effectiveness, with the goal of designing a model management plan that can be utilised in other parks experiencing conflict from similar interactions. 

Bawan Amin, PhD (VIVA: Nov 2022)

Bawan has successfully carried out the first Phoenix Park study aimed at 'Linking personality to life history traits in a wild ungulate'. Among the others, he has shown how neonatal personality in fallow deer is linked to foraging strategies and survival of fawns during the first year of life, disentangling proximate and ultimate causes of personality and its link to life history traits during early stage of development. 

Crawford-Hayes fellows + internships (field crew summer 2022)

Fiachra Corcoran, Katie Connolly, and Sarah Redmond have worked in Phoenix Park and carried out behavioural observations on deer fawns and their mothers - they were funded by the Crawford-Hayes fellowship scheme. Paddy Murphy was on this crew too as a part of his internship for MTU (Munster Technological University). Finally, Andrew Ryan and Colin Brock led the field work related to SNAPSHOT Europe. 

2022 Fawn tagging crew

Terry Moore, Andrew Ryan, Laura Griffin, Anna David, Cliodhan Hynes, Jane Faull, Colin Brock, Fiachra Corcoran, Elizabeth Earley, Abigail Oconnell, Katie Connolly, Virginia-Morera Pujol, Holly English, Sarah Redmond, Olivia Walker, Simon Ritter, Patrick Murphy, Niamh Collins, Srivats Chari, Christopher Udusalu, Liam Kirwan, Bawan Amin, Sostenes Pelegrini, Daniela Sifuentes, James Hayes, Kelly OReagan, Grace Nolan, Adam Smith, Tyron Kritzinger, Amberleigh Byrne, Simone Ciuti

James Dempsey & Nathan Finn, Taught MSc (2022)

Nathan and James worked in collaboration with DAFM to understand the drivers of badger distribution and abundance across Ireland. Data gathered in this project are important to improve our understanding of the role of wildlife on bovine Tuberculosis spread and maintenance.  

Mariosa Bryceland, BSc (2022)

Mariosa investigated whether there is a correlation between neonatal personality and anti-predator strategy in a Wild Mammal. By studying heart rates, latency and other traits of fallow fawns (Dama dama), she looked at trappability and sightability in shy vs bold neonates. 

Sarah Redmond, BSc (2022)

Sarah worked on her final year undergraduate thesis which was looking into the effects of begging behaviour on antler sizes in Fallow deer.  This involved comparing the begging ranks and food acceptance rates with antler sizes to determine whether they were linked.  This project aimed to further our understanding of how humans are impacting wild populations through processes such as artificial selection.

Ellen O’Hagan, research MSc (2022)

Ellen completed her undergraduate degree in Zoology in Nuig. For her resMSc at UCD, she has been looking at the effects of artificial feeding on male fallow deer, particularly focusing on antler growth and size.

Sarah Keenan, research MSc (2022)

Sarah has worked on a project putting together the first and most comprehensive list of zoonosis pathogens occurring across charismatic deer species across the globe

Filipe Oliveira & Sinead Dillon, Taught MSc students (2021)

Filipe and Sinead have been working on a project dealing with the human-deer conflict in Phoenix Park, with a particular focus on the issue of people feeding the deer. They both tested the efficacy of media platforms and communication strategies to alleviate the human-wildlife conflict. 

Hannah Condon, BSc, Research Assistant (2020-2021)

Hannah has been expanding the research she carried out during her undergraduate thesis (mating behaviour of subadult fallow deer males), and she has been working on a manuscript to be published in a peer-reviewed journal. 

2021 Fawn tagging crew

Terry Moore, Andrew Ryan, Hannah Condon, Laura Griffin, Amy Haigh, Faith Kurtz, Ellen O'Hagan, Cliodhan Hynes, Aoife Tynan, Jane Faull, Colin Brock, Fiachra Corcoran, Pietro Sabbatini, Euan Mortlock, Elizabeth Earley, Abigail Oconnell, Lucy Barrett, Katie Connolly, Karen Ahearne, Virginia-Morera Pujol, Kilian Murphy, Holly English, Kim Conteddu, Simone Ciuti

Pietro Sabbatini, internship (2021)

Pietro was a UCD vet student carrying our a research on how disease in deer (i.e. Toxoplasmosis) may affect their behaviour

Faith Desiree Kurtz, visiting student (2021)

Faith was a visiting student from Michigan State who studied behaviour in neonate deer

Karen Ahearne, work placement (2021)

Karen was a student from MTU Kerry and carried our behavioural research in deer as part of her work placement in UCD

Colin Brock & Jane Faull, Crawford-Hayes fellowships (2021)

Colin collected deer body and antler sizes using non-invasive photogrammetry technique in Phoenix Park, whereas Jane studied fawn-mother interactions in fallow deer.

Shawn Dowdall , BSc (2021)

Shawn was a BSc Environmental biology student with a strong interest in behavioural ecology. As part of his final year project, he studied the yearling male fallow deer (Prickets) in the Phoenix Park. The project involved using behavioural observations and physiological data recorded as fawns to analyse the inter-individual differences in spatial behaviour of Prickets. The goal of this research was to analyse whether neonate personality has any influence on when these Prickets leave their Mother to join the male herd. 

Srivats Chari, research MSc (2021)

Srivats worked on a project dealing with personality traits in large mammals through the lens of movement behaviour under the umbrella of the EURODEER network in collaboration with researchers across Europe. He specifically worked on GLMMmcmc to tackle covariance of behavioural types and define personality traits from movement data. 

Jane Faull, BSc (2021)

Sociality and early investment in reproduction by yearling fallow deer males

Matthew Quinn, research MSc (2021)

Matt worked on a very exciting project which set the scene on how we can disentangle the effect of human pressures on wildlife stress using faecal parasites as bioindicators. He successfully combined behavioural, morphological and parasitological data in fallow deer, showing how egg counts can be an excellent indicator of deer energy investment throughout the annual biological cycle. 

Hugo Brooks, BSc (2021)

The link between foraging strategies and early investment in reproduction by yearling fallow deer males

Mattie Puriton, BSc (2021)

Sneaky mating tactics in yearling fallow deer males

Emma Hart, PhD (VIVA: Dec. 2020)

Emma (GCF webpage, UCD webpage) completed her PhD journey by the end of 2020, publishing 4 high-quality peer-reviewed papers and more are expected to be published soon. Emma carried out research on the movement ecology and social networks of the Angolan giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis angolensis) of the northern Namib Desert, Namibia, with a particular focus on conservation implications

Kimberly Conteddu, research MSc (2020)

Kim studied reproductive strategies in female fallow deer, how they cope with humans during the birth season, how they behave within heavily human-dominated landscapes

Kate O'Leary, Crawford-Hayes fellowship (2020)

Aggressive behaviour in male fallow deer before the mating season.

Hannah Condon, Crawford-Hayes fellowship (2020)

Photogrammetry applied to deer in the Phoenix Park.

2020 field crew - Fawn tagging & behavioural observations in the Phoenix Park fallow deer project

Bawan Amin, Srivats Chari, Euan Mortlock, Kimberly Conteddu, Matthew Quinn, Holly English, Laura Griffin, Amy Haigh, Andrew Ryan, Kilian Murphy, Sarah Keenan, Hannah Condon, Cliodhna Ni Chroidheain, Pippa-Jordan Faull, Niamh Gibbons, Maeve Moran, Danielle Crowley

Pippa-Jordan Faull, BSc (2020)

Aggressive and play behaviour in yearling male fallow deer.

Alison Norman, BSc (2020)

Linking early-life personality in fallow deer neonates to their behaviour during the first year of life.

Hannah Condon, BSc (2020)

Mating behaviour in yearling male fallow deer: does size matter?

Elod Marton, BSc (2020)

Mating behaviour in yearling male fallow deer

 Maria Browne , Taught MSc (2020)

Maria was a GMIT student doing an MSc in Conservation behaviour. She studied inter-individual variation in behavioural traits of sub adult male fallow deer for her final thesis and has an interest in researching how behavioural studies can be applied to mitigating against conservation issues. 

 Yu Zhuzhu, Taught MSc (2020)

Zhuzhu investigated the reasons why people feed wildlife, particularly deer. She designed and developed a survey aimed at assessing the drivers of such problematic and complex human-wildlife interactions

Saoirse Patchell, Taught MSc (2020)

Saoirse carried out a project on the seasonal variation of deer parasite loads in the Phoenix Park, Dublin.

Adam Smith, research MSc (2019)

Adam has developed new tools to remotely measure sexual secondary traits in large mammals in the wild (namely photogrammetry). He has calibrated his techniques with deer antlers (roe and fallow deer of different age classes) which was proved be highly precise and accurate. His technique is applicable to several species and ecological contexts, and would allow to measure body size and traits in vertebrates. Adam has successfully submitted his MSc thesis (Dec 2019) and other students of the lab are now using his technique to measure body traits in deer. 

Anthony Legeard , work placement / internship (Erasmus+ 2019)

Anthony joined the lab as an agronomy student at Agrosup Dijon, France. Prior to joining Agrosup, he studied in Caen (France) Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Sciences. He is passionate about science and animals, and he would like to become an ethologist after obtaining his diploma as an agronomist engineer specialized in the animal field. Anthony did his 5-month internship in our lab and worked in the fallow deer research project in the Phoenix Park, Dublin.

Vasou Ioannidis,  Stint internship (2019)

Vasou joined the lab during her second year at Western University (London, Ontario, Canada) in biology and wants to work towards getting her PhD in ecology after graduation. Vasou spent over 2 months in our lab working in the fallow deer research project in the Phoenix Park, Dublin.

2019 field crew - Fawn tagging & behavioural observations in the Phoenix Park fallow deer project

Bawan Amin, Adam Smith, Holly English, Sarah Keenan, Matt Quinn, Roisin Sheehy, Srivats Chari, Hayley-Anne Haughey, Casey Patmore, Vasou Ioannidis, Anthony Legeard, Kimberly Conteddu, Alison Norman, Amy Haigh, Billy Clark, Terry Moore (OPW), Andrew Ryan, Peadar Charles, Annemarie Barbier, Theo Ward, Alice Magee, Carla Gillham, Cliodhna Ni Chroidheain, Emily Mooney, Jana Eccard, Pippa Jordan Faull, Katie Wilson, Sanne Fennema, May Higgins, Orla Heussaf, Ruari O'Dea, Julia Evans, Kate Toland, 

Alison Norman, Crawford-Hayes fellowship (2019)

Alison joined the lab as a stage 3 Zoology student, received financial support from the Crawford-Hayes fund,  and carried out behavioural observations in the Phoenix Park in relation to the study of human-deer interactions.  

Pippa-Jordan Faull, Crawford-Hayes fellowship (2019)

Jordan joined the lab as a stage 3 Zoology student, received financial support from the Crawford-Hayes fund,  and carried out behavioural observations in the Phoenix Park in relation to the study of human-deer interactions. 

Katie Wilson, taught MSc (2019)

Katie was a TCD final-year taught-MSc student and studied the effects of people and dogs on fawn bedsite selection in the Phoenix Park.

Emily Mooney, taught MSc (2019)

Emily studied for an MSc in Animal Behaviour & Welfare in Queens University Belfast, and her research project looked at whether personality influences departure times of the male fawns from the female herd. 

Alice Magee, BSc (2019)

Alice collected for her final year project behavioural data in fallow deer fawns in the Phoenix Park. The goal was to study the development and the consistency of behaviour during the first year of life in fawns to be eventually linked to life history.

Hayley-Anne Haughey, BSc (2019)

Hayley-Anne investigated whether the trapping of animals usually involved in wildlife research is biased toward certain behavioural and/or morphological traits. She worked with fallow deer in the Phoenix Park and combined behavioural observations to capture data. 

Andrew Ryan , BSc (2019)

Andrew analyzed giraffe telemetry data gathered in the Namib desert to disentangle the drivers of space use and habitat selection. This work contributed to improving the conservation of the species in the region.

Tobias Kirchenbaur, MSc (2019)

Tobias worked on red deer satellite telemetry data collected in different European national parks with different wolf presence (wolf present, absent, or recently recolonized the area).  Goal of this research was to disentangle red deer behavioural reactions to wolves, and predict shifts in deer habitat selection and activity in those areas where recolonization by wolves is expected in the next few months/years. Co-supervised by Prof. Marco Heurich. 

Fabio Weiss, MSc (2019)

Fabio disentangled the influence of conservation grazing on the spatial behaviour of red deer (Cervus elaphus) in North-Eastern Germany (DBU-funded project). Co- supervised by Prof. Dr. Siegfried Rieger, Dr. Frank-Uwe Michler, and Prof. Marco Heurich. 

Jenna Pestotnik, short-term internship (autumn-winter 2018-2019)

Jenna was a visiting student from the US and studied personality in fallow deer fawns 

Julia Greulich, MSc (2019)

Julia worked on satellite telemetry data in the Bavarian Forest National Park to disentangle fine-scale resource selection in red deer by combining 3D-vegetation structure (LiDAR), activity and movement data. The ultimate goal of the project was to shed light on how red deer adjust their behaviour as a response to human recreational activities. Co-supervised by Prof Niko Balkenhol and Dr. Claudia Dupke.

Kyla Nitahara, short-term internship (spring - summer 2018)

Kyla joined us as a Biology major at Franklin & Marshall College from Honolulu, Hawaii. She studied heritability of personality traits, particularly with the bold-shy continuum. 

Matthew Quinn, short-term work-placement from GMIT Galway (spring - summer 2018)

Matt worked hard with the capture crew team in Phoenix Park and ear-tagged more than 100 fallow deer fawns. 

Fawn tagging season 2018: capture crew team

Billy Clark, Sarah Keenan, Daniel O'Sullivan, Casey Patmore, Peadar Charles, Emilie Ellis, Eleanor Higgins, Srivats Chari, Katie Wilson, Roisin Sheehy, Cliodhna Ni Croidheain, Hannah McGlyn, Yixin Liu, Laura O'Neill, Robert O'Connell, Niall O'Sullivan, Luke O'Callaghan, Julie O'Hare, Niamh Hurley, Lisa Rafter, Andrea Locatelli, Liam Gaffney, Megan Whitty, Matthew Quinn, Kyla Nitahara, Amy Haigh, Terry Moore (OPW).

Summer 2018 field crew

Katie Wilson, Roisin Sheehy, Cliodhna Ni Croidheain, Orna Phelan (Crawford-Hayes bursary), Hayley-Anne Haughey (Crawford-Hayes bursary), Matthew Quinn, Yixin Liu, Hannah Mc Glynn, Laura O'Neill, Amy Haigh.

Andrea Locatelli, PhD (winter 2017-2018)

Andrea was investigating the molecular basis of exceptional longevity in bats through a study on Kuhl’s pipistrelle under the supervision of Prof. Emma Teeling. Andrea collaborated with us to model body condition (Scaled Mass Index SMI) in Kuhl’s pipistrelle as a function of environmental conditions across Northern Italy and Slovenia. 

Renée Khouri, short-term internship (spring 2018)

Renée was pursuing a B.Sc. in Veterinary and Biomedical Studies at the Pennsylvania State University while looking forward to attending veterinary school upon completion of her degree. During her 2-month internship in our lab she analyzed activity data in giraffes monitored with satellite telemetry to disentangle how this large herbivore copes with extreme temperatures in the Namib desert.

Jakob Viße, MSc (2018)

Jakob worked on the effect of hikers on visibility of wildlife in the Swiss National Park, with chamois and red deer as model species. Co-supervised by  Prof. Carsten Dormann. 

John Benjamin Mcauley, MSc (2017)

The impact of landscape characteristics on genetic relatedness in Canadian elk: Further analysis into seasonal differences in elk movement and position. co-supervisor: Dr. Allan McDevitt. 

Pol Thelen, MSc (2017)

Habitat selection of Hazel Grouse (Tetrastes bonasia rhenanus) in Luxembourg. co-supervisor: Prof. Ilse Storch. 

Kaja Weinandi, MSc (2017)

Circadian Activity Rhythms of breeding Arctic Tern and Sabine's Gull in the High Arctic. co-Supervisor: Prof. Gernot Segelbacher.

Zeno Bader, MSc (2017)

Behavioural responses of GPS-collared red deer to off-trail recreation and hunting. co-supervisor: Prof. Ilse Storch. 

Soeren Greule, MSc (2016)

Resource selection by female brown big-eared bats (Plecotus auritus) in the Northern Black Forest, Germany. Co-supervisor: Prof. Gernot Segelbacher. 

Jim-Lino Kämmerle , MSc (2016)

Capercaillie population development in relation to landscape configuration: can suitability for generalist predators explain large-scale range loss? Co-supervisor: Prof. Ilse Storch.

Peter Antkowiak, Lab Assistant in heavy data management and analysis (2015-2016)

Dealing with North American elk activity data and Bavarian Forest LiDAR data in R. 

Henriette Tripke , MSc (2016)

Analyzing the predictive performance of LIDAR-derived metrics in modelling fine-scale resource selection by deer. Co-supervisor: Profs. Gernot Segelbacher and Marco Heurich.

Laura Kehry , MSc (2016)

Resource selection and flight activity of Leisler's bats (Nyctalus leisleri) in Gundelfinger Wald during mating season. Co-supervisor: Prof. Ilse Storch and Dr. Johanna Hurst.

Julia Fürsternau Oliveira , MSc (2016)

Evaluation of aerial blimp and visual boat surveys for counting the Araguaian river dolphin (Inia araguaiaensis) in the Cantao State Park, Brazil. Co-supervisor: Prof. Ilse Storch.

Hannah Weber , MSc (2016)

Vigilance behaviour in Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) and Alpine chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) kids. Co-supervisor: Prof. Ilse Storch.

Julia Greulich , BSc (2015)

Seasonal habituation to human activities in alpine marmots (Marmota marmota) in the Gran Paradiso National Park, Italy.  Co-supervisor: Prof. Ilse Storch.

Milena Zurmühl , BSc (2015)

Scale-dependent resource selection by Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) in summer. 

Hannah Heither , MSc (2014)

Hotspots of fear: Effects of wolves on tree recruitment in the Bialowieza Primeval Forest. Co-supervisor: Prof. Albert Reif, Dr. Dries Kuijper.

Robin A Benz, MSc (2014)

Understanding dispersal ecology of young male ungulates (Cervus elaphus) to design large scale wildlife corridors. Co-supervisor: Profs. Mark Boyce and Carsten Dormann.