Wildlife documentaries

We have been collaborating with Andrea Rüthlein and Matthias Lukoschek on the production of wildlife documentaries (in German, Italian, French, and Japanese) describing the results of our research. Produced by BR Bayerischer Rundfunk ARD television (Germany) and ARTE (France).

Wild Sardinia / Wildes Sardinien / La Sardaigne sauvage

[45 Minutes - Coproduction BR/ARTE]

Locations: Sardinia & Tuscany, Italy.

The fallow deer of San Rossore / Der schwarze Hirsch von San Rossore

[30 Minutes - Production: BR]

Location: Tuscany, Italy.

In the land of the ram / Im Land des Widders

[30 Minutes - production: BR]

Locations: Sardinia & Tuscany, Italy.

The wolf in the Gran Paradiso Nat Park / Wölfe am Gran Paradiso/Les loups du Grand-Paradis

[45 Minutes - coproduction BR/ARTE]

Locations: Tuscany & Aosta Valley, Italy.