Inservice Workshops

In-service Workshops

The following are workshops given for in-service credit in the past. We can offer these and other workshops at your school. Interested school districts should contact our director, Stephanie Vanderslice at

Writing Across the Curriculum: A Partnership with South Mississippi County Schools and the National Writing Project of Central Arkansas

For the 2006-07 school year the National Writing Project of Central Arkansas embarked on a long term partnership with South Mississippi County Schools for the purpose of working with teachers to develop writing strategies across the curriculum. Some the comments from participating teachers at the end of our partnership went like this:

  • You have shown us that writing can be fun and students can write about anything in all subjects on all levels.

  • I found each session to be very interesting and beneficial. I have developed a sense of security in sharing my writing aloud, and have found it does the same for my students. They write better because they are not intimidated by others in the class, and want to share as well.

  • My experience has been very positive at first I resisted because I thought my time could be better spent. Finally, as I looked back at all of the experiences during the in-service, I can say that it was very helpful. The frank discussions with the teachers were most beneficial.

  • I have enjoyed each session of the in-service from the very first one until this last one. I have loved the unique writing prompts you have given us. The new and fresh ideas you suggested have been a welcome addition to my teaching toolbox.

  • I have gained insight into the importance of writing in all classes and additionally was given ideas and inspiration for how to actually do it… So rare in a workshop!

  • I enjoyed hearing from real teachers who use this stuff in the own classrooms. It makes it more meaningful and useful to me as a teacher.

The Time of Our Lives: Writing and Current Events

By examining our relationships to each other and current events this workshop shows participants how we can engage students by encouraging them to report on and write about public and private events.

Letters Home: Sending the Vietnam War Home

Participants in this workshop refer to primary and secondary sources to study the war, America’s reaction, and Vietnamese culture and geography to create their own primary source: a letter home.

All Sorts of Sorts: Using Vocabulary Sorts to Build Reading Comprehension and Extended Writing in Content Areas

Sorting is a kinesthetic way to help students extend vocabulary and categorize for increased understanding. It can be used as a quick assessment and an organizational tool for prewriting essays and reports.

Learn to Read and Write Spanish, Learn to Read and Write English: Crossover Literacy Strategies

This workshop focuses on foreign language learning strategies and how they can be used to enhance student reading and writing abilities. All teachers are welcome and can benefit from this workshop.

Writing to Learn!

Participants will learn an exciting way to enhance students’ retention by incorporating writing into the teaching to the frameworks. Libritos are the tool. This workshop is for all teachers, not just foreign language teachers.

Complementing Comprehension: Writing for Understanding Math

The money! What about the money? Participants use first person narratives to problem solve and track the cash.

If Walls Could Talk: Writing and Mathematics

Transcend worksheets, design a house. Learning and applying geometric principles can bring students to a new appreciation of the “real world” application of mathematical skills.

Math Journaling – Lori Bell, Belleville Middle School, Western Yell County

By using benchmark release items, participants will learn to answer open-response questions the WRITE way. Journaling teaches students the standards and problem solving strategies through open-response questions while developing a knowledge of rubrics and scoring procedures.

Art Talk: The Writing/Thinking Connection

Learn to be an art critic. Study the 1960’s and it’s influence in the art world. This workshop fosters critical and creative thinking and writing through art criticism.

Protist Paradise Post: Writing in the Science Classroom

This workshop shows how students learn more about science when they apply what they are learning to create newspapers and newsletters with a unique twist.