CHEM 1450, College Chemistry I  Course description

Fall 2024 Lecture (MAN 102) MWF 9 - 9:50 am  
        Labs (MAN 206) W 11a-150p, 2-450p; Th 8-1040a
SI Sessions (MAN 105): W 3-350p; Th 405-455p;  Th 240-330p
Office hours drop in times (MAN 303B)   TBD based on this survey
Study sessions (MAN 105): TBD  based on this survey    other times by appt  

Patrick J. Desrochers Syllabus Fall 2023         daily outline
Manion Hall Rm 303B
(501) 450-5936

Things to Know from CHEM 1450 (success in CHEM 1451 depends on it)

Very important relationships (VIR's)                     Polyatomic ions                     Summary of reactions