Research Paper

Research Paper Guidelines

Format: MLA, APA, or CMS

Length: 8-10 pages double-spaced, standard font

Sources: 10 sources, with at least 5 from the UALR library databases.

Due Dates:

  • Assignment introduced on Mon, Oct 1.
  • Annotated Bibliography due on Mon, Oct 8.
  • Rough draft for peer review due Monday, Oct 22.
  • Revised draft due to instructor on Monday, Oct 29.


Introduction that explains the issue you've chosen to write about, states a problem or dilemma, and provides your opinion on it. You should also explain why your issue and opinion matter.

Overview/Literature Review: You should briefly overview the various stakeholders and perspectives on this problem. Who is affected? What have people said regarding the causes and ramifications of the problem? What solutions or stances have been offered? Where and why do people agree/disagree? This might be 1-2 pages. In some ways, it's an elaboration and extension of your introduction.

Main Body: Here, you'll offer 3-4 claims and evidence in support of your argument about the topic. The Toulmin method applies here. Your claims are greatly enhanced if you provide some qualification and rebuttals or counter-argument. In other words, how might people disagree with some of your claims? How do you respond to critics or naysayers? Make sure you include a blend of direct and indirect citations.

Conclusion: The conclusion should synthesize and summarize your findings. It should also restate the significance of your opinion, the problem, and the information you've found. Here, you'll also outline some broader questions or future work that remain. These might be goals for future research done by yourself, or the field you're researching as a whole.

Works Cited Page: You must include a works cited page. Even on your first draft, you need to include basic citation information such as author, date, and publication title. You will learn how to format your paper and works cited page as we proceed.

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RHET 1312 Research Paper Rubric

Sample Research Paper(s)

Sampe Paper 1_Fall 2017.docx
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