AR AIMS Math Digital Learning
AR AIMS has created this Google Site to help teachers across Arkansas during COVID-19 school closures and virtual learning. I will continue to update this site, so please check back often! If you have any questions or concerns about the materials, please send me an email.
Summer Vaught, AR AIMS Math Director
The College Board has issued many statements about the 2021 AP Exam schedule and content throughout the year. Here are the highlights:
The exams will cover all units and topics in the AP Course Exam Description.
Exams can be offered in person (if health and safety allow), or if the school is closed or corona virus risks prevent students from testing at school, the school's AP coordinator will be able to authorize a full-length digital exam that can be taken from home.
There will be no fees for cancelling exams or testing on makeup dates.
Live online review sessions will be held April 19th - 30th for all courses
Newest Update - February 4th 2021
Exam Dates:
Admin 1 (Paper-In School)
AP Cal AB/BC - Tues. May 4th at 8am (No change)
AP Stat - Monday, May 17th at 12pm (Changed from Thurs May 14th)
Admin 2 (Paper - In School)
AP Cal AB/BC - Mon. May 24th at 8am
AP Stat - Tues. May 25th at 12pm
Admin 3 (Digital - In School or at Home)
AP Cal AB/BC - Wed. June 9th at 11am
AP Stat - Thurs. June 10th at 3pm
Students are now registered for Administration 1. There is a deadline of March 12th to change their Administration (from 1 to 2 or 3) or add new students. AP coordinators can also change the administration of students who have already registered after March 12th, students don’t have to decide by that date.
In person testing will resume as it has in previous years (with requirements for spacing of students, COVID precautions, etc.)
Digital Testing
Students must all test at the same time (controlled by the application)
Students must have a laptop/chromebook/PC
Student log in 30 minutes prior to complete pre-testing paperwork
School official will have to “push” the exam application to school devices the day before the exam
Students will be required to take a picture of their photo ID
Students won’t be allowed to return to answered questions or move back and forth between unanswered questions
Exams will differ slightly from paper version because they are designed for at-home testing
Exam application controls break time (students may lose time if they are not back to their digital exam before the break has completed
Students will be allowed accommodations on the digital version of the exam
Makeup exams will be available after administration 3
A note about Digital Math/Science Exams (copied directly from the College Board): Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, and Statistics are offered solely as paper and pencil exams in both Administration 1 and 2. Teachers in these subjects told us they prefer in-school paper and pencil contingency options to digital options because the free-response questions require complex symbols that can’t be easily typed with a keyboard. To preserve testing opportunities for students who aren’t able to take the paper and pencil exam, we’re offering a full-length digital exam in Administration 3 to be taken entirely on a desktop, laptop, or school-managed Chromebook.
Great list of tutorials targeted at teacher use of various Google Features (Docs, Sheets, Classroom, etc.)
Resources Available on This Site
Zoom Videos
The Zoom Videos are for AP Review. They were recorded during the 2018-2019 school year, and pair with the NMSI handouts of the same name.
Collection of Online AP Resources
Many of these were acquired through the AP Calculus AB/BC Teachers and AP Statistics Reader facebook pages. I have also included a few of my own resources.
AP Statistics Online Resources
Resources for Non-AP Teachers
Algebra 1 - Pre-calculus Resources