Student Perceptions Of Teaching (SPOT)

(Formerly Known as eUSRI and IDQs)

The General Faculties Council requires each instructor to obtain an evaluation by students in every course section that they teach. A Student Perceptions of Teaching (SPOT) survey is required for all courses. The survey asks students to provide input on courses, instructors, and the learning environment through Likert-scale questions and commentary. SPOT became effective July 1, 2023.

SPOT questions align with “Framework for Effective Teaching” and aims to mitigate bias. The 18 questions are organized into 6 categories: course design; utility of course resources; graded work; course delivery; instructional approach; and, class climate. See here for the SPOT survey questions. If the course enrollment is less than 10 students or there are multiple instructors, the survey will be modified. Students complete the SPOT survey online.

Effective Fall 2023, instructors must provide at least 15 minutes of classroom time to students to complete the surveys. Instructors cannot be present while students complete the survey. The survey will be available for students two weeks prior to the last day of classes and until two days past the last day of classes. For IPT and APT courses, the survey will normally be available 5 days before the last day of class and close on the last day of class (unless the final exam is on the last day, then it closes a day earlier). Please set 15 minutes aside during the last two weeks for classes for students to complete SPOT. Instructors will receive an email announcement prior to SPOT commencing and students will receive a link in their email to the SPOT survey. See this webpage for more detailed information about survey administration.

Instructors will be given online access to the numerical results and comments. Use your CCID and password to access the results. Normally instructors will receive the results from SPOT with 20 working days after the course is complete and the grades have been approved by the Vice Dean.

Additionally, instructors can arrange for Midterm Course and Instruction Feedback questionnaires.

If at any point during the SPOT process something comes up (i.e. some of your students didn't receive an email with the link to the course evaluation or you didn't receive the announcement email from WebSurveys, etc.) please contact the Undergraduate Coordinator so that they can investigate further.

You may consult the following SPOT website or Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Policy (UAPPOL) for policy information.