Research and Education

Research and Education: 2022-2023 Highlights

479 attendees over 16 in-services, lectures, and workshops.

308 attendees over 9 conference presentations. 

Outreach & Education 

Alberta Adapted Physical Activity Symposium logo of a large stylized A in the Alberta colours of blue and yellow

Alberta Adapted Physical Activity Symposium 

In 2023, The Steadward Centre collaborated with Mount Royal University,  the University of Calgary, and Calgary Adapted Hub to host the fourth biennial Alberta Adapted Physical Activity Symposium in Calgary, Alberta. The symposium received funding support from the Government of Alberta. 2023 also marked the return of the APA Symposium after a hiatus during the pandemic. 

Over two days, we brought together sport, physical activity and recreation leaders from across Western Canada to share ideas and best practices and facilitate engagement and learning to get more Albertans, specifically those experiencing disability, more active, more often. We prioritized learning from those with lived experience, as demonstrated by all keynote speakers (and many session presenters) who shared their knowledge and expertise as people experiencing disability.  

The conference was preceded by a Youth Summit for young leaders in APA with lived experience. In partnership with the ALACD, the theme of the 2023 summit was Building Together: Advocacy, identity, and support in sport and recreation for youth experiencing disability.

The AAPA conference was attended by 72 delegates virtually and 169 in-person at Mount Royal.

With the return of the AAPA symposium, we are excited about the opportunity to showcase the innovation and expertise of Alberta's professionals, researchers, community-based practitioners, leaders, advocates, students and athletes through presentations, workshops, information sharing, panel discussions and applied sessions.

We hope to collaborate with our partners for a future symposium in 2025.

A boy follows a TSC instructor as they cross a suspended pathway together on an inclusive playground

Inclusive Play Leadership Resource 

The Steadward Centre’s Promoting Inclusive Play in Alberta Project, in collaboration with the University of Toronto, has created research based online education modules about leading inclusive play for children of all abilities. Designed for young persons, early career professionals, and seasonal staff in the areas of physical activity, recreation, education and childcare- the Inclusive Play Leadership Resource provides an introduction to planning for play from an adaptive lens. 

The online resource was supported by Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities and designed in collaboration with The Respect Group. By hosting the resource on their learning platform, Jumpstart has helped us reach leaders across Canada. As of January 2023,  771 leaders have accessed the training, with this number expected to increase during training for summer camps in 2023!

Learning outcomes from this training include: