Letter from the Director

Photo of TSC Director Jen Leo standing in front of green leafy trees

Letter from the Director 

Reflecting on the past year, 2022- 2023 stands out as a year of connection and community. We focused on building (and re-building) relationships and delivering quality programming, with an emphasis on safe and accessible spaces. We were surprised and thrilled to welcome more participants than expected as we all continued to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. We were grateful that in addition to participants experiencing disability, students were also looking for connection and community, which meant that we welcomed more than anticipated numbers of volunteers! 

Regular physical activity is so important role in helping people to feel good- good about their bodies and how they move, good about the feelings that come with being active, and good about having a place to belong and feel welcome. To ensure that we offer quality programs that meet the needs of those in the disability community, we prioritize learning from those with lived experience so that we can support and foster movement in a way that works for everyone. We are continually learning, which means that while we are proud of the work we have done, we know that each year there is going to be something that we can do better. 

We are incredibly grateful for the support of the numerous funders and donors who make it possible for us to have such an impact on our community. We can’t wait to see where 2023-2024 takes us and we know that we will not get there alone! Thank you to everyone who is a part of our community and if we haven’t made a connection yet, please know that we are looking forward to doing so! 

We also pride ourselves on sharing our knowledge and expertise beyond our walls, which this year, meant bringing together professionals from across the province (and beyond!) for the Alberta Adapted Physical Activity Symposium. Keeping with our theme of connection and community, we did this by collaborating with our partners at Mount Royal University and the Calgary Adapted Hub. We also presented at conferences and delivered workshops and continued to build capacity in communities across the province. We want all Albertans to have access to quality physical activity experiences and sharing our knowledge and expertise is a way that we can contribute. 

Jen Leo                        

Dr. Jennifer Leo


The Steadward Centre