Sharing about the Project

Published Articles

McMahon, R., Almond, A., Whistance-Smith, G., Steinhauer, D., Steinhauer, S., & Janes, D. P. (2019). Sweetgrass AR: Exploring augmented reality as a resource for Indigenous–settler relations. International Journal of Communication, 13, 4530–4552. 

Almond, A., McMahon, R., Janes, D.P., Whistance-Smith, G., Steinhauer, D., and Steinhauer, S. (2018). We are all related: using augmented reality as a learning resource for indigenous-settler relations in Northern Public Affairs 6(2). 

Conference Presentations

Steinhauer, D., Lewis, K., Whiskeyjack, L. McMahon, R., Almond, A. Koyczan, C., and Napier, K. (2021). Co-creating digital media with Indigenous communities during COVID-19: Reflections from instructors, graduate students, and community members from Alberta and the Northwest Territories. 2021 Native American and Indigenous Studies Association, June, 2021.

McMahon, R. and Almond, A. (2019). Learning and practicing Indigenous-settler relations through digital media co-creation: The We are All Related Augmented Reality Storytelling Guide. (with Dr. D.P. Janes, Dr. D. Steinhauer, S. Steinhauer, and G. Whistance-Smith). 2019 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences (Canadian Sociological Association - CSA), Vancouver, BC., June, 2019.

Janes, D.P. (2019). Learning and Practicing Indigenous-Settler Relations through Digital Media Co-Creation: The We are All Related Augmented Reality Storytelling Guide. (with Dr. R. McMahon, A. Almond, Dr. D. Steinhauer, S. Steinhauer and G. Whistance-Smith), CNIE 2019, Vancouver, BC, May, 2019

Greatrix, A. and Almond, A. (2019). Introduction to digital storytelling: Resources, tips, and tools for learning through the storymaking process. Think Indigenous International Education Conference, Enoch Cree Nation, AB., March 2019. 

Almond, A. and McMahon, R. (2018). We are all related: Co-creating augmented reality content with Indigenous storytellers for reconciliation learning. (with Dr. D. P. Janes, Dr. D. Steinhauer, S. Steinhauer and G. Whistance-Smith). 2018 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences (Canadian Communication Association – CCA), Regina, SK., May-June, 2018.

Janes, D.P. (2018). Building Foundations for an AR-supported reconciliation learning project: Curriculum design update. (with Dr. D. Steinhauer, S. Steinhauer, Dr. R. McMahon, and A. Almond).  CNIE 2018, Sudbury, ON, May, 2018.

Janes, D.P. (2017). Augmented Reality: Reconciliation focused curriculum design. (with Dr. R. McMahon, Dr. F. Fletcher, and Dr. P. Makokis). CNIE 2017, Banff, AB. May, 2017.

McMahon, R. (2017). We are all related: Using augmented reality and Indigenous storytelling as reconciliation learning resources. (with Dr. D. Janes, Dr F. Fletcher, Dr. P. Makokis, and J. Makokis). 2017 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences (Canadian Sociological Association - CSA), Toronto, ON, May-June 2017.

Public Presentations

Media Articles

Betkowski, B. (2019). Augmented reality app reveals meaning behind Indigenous bear sculpture in University oAlberta Folio (May 17, 2019). Retrieved from:

Thesis Project


Co-creating Digital Media with Indigenous Communities during COVID-19: Reflections from Instructors, Graduate Students, and Community Members from Alberta and the Northwest Territories

Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) 2021


Dr. Diana Steinhauer, Saddle Lake Cree Nation, Yellowhead Tribal College

Dr. Kevin Lewis, kâniyâsihk Culture Camps

Dr. Rob McMahon, University of Alberta

Dr. Lana Whiskeyjack, Saddle Lake Cree Nation, University of Alberta

Amanda Almond, MA, Métis Nation of Alberta, University of Alberta

Casey Koyczan, MFA, Tłı̨chǫ Nation, University of Manitoba

Kyle Napier, MA, Northwest Territory Métis Nation, University of Alberta