
Dr. Stephanie L. Archer

Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics

Director of the Little Magpies Lab for Infant Language Learning

Office: 4-20 Assiniboia Hall, Email: slarcher@ualberta.ca

My research primarily focuses on early speech perception and the development of the lexicon. I am interested in how speech input affects the developing perceptual system and what types of information are useful in word learning. 

Key words: infant speech perception, infant-directed speech, infant/toddler language development, sound symbolism, phonology, phonetics

Associated Websites

click here: Little Magpies Lab


The Little Magpies Lab started up in 2018. Recruitment was starting to gather momentum until the pandemic. We are back working in the lab - please see our website for new studies. 

click here: ChIRP

We are a group of researchers at the University of Alberta who share a scientific interest in how children develop. As researchers, we come from different academic backgrounds: Linguistics, Psychology, Education, and Agricultural, Life & Environment Sciences. 

click here: SoundsOnline.ca

Over COVID, we started a web portal for online studies. We're still in the early stages, but we are preparing for some fun remote (or, in Edmonton, in-person) studies.