Professional Development

The program focuses on developing your behavioural competencies, skills, and increasing your knowledge to support your development in three core learning objectives. 

The program is committed to supporting you in taking charge of your own professional development.  You will be given opportunities to participate in professional development sessions taught by Faculty members and Policy practitioners. 

There are opportunities for mentorship, network building, and the chance to work on real world policy problems in courses and for your Capstone project.

Professional Development

Program Learning Objectives:


Students will be consummate producers and critical consumers of policy research.  They will develop knowledge of the policymaking environment and the role of policy in reconciliation, build skills in critical and analytical thinking, and hone competencies in systems thinking and creativity.

Individual achievement 

Students will establish and accomplish research objectives. They will understand theories and models of public policy and the tenets of project planning; develop skills in anticipation and adaptability; and become agile and resilient researchers.


Students will work effectively with colleagues to develop and achieve common research goals. They will learn ethics, practice teamwork, and exercise change leadership.  They will emerge as collegial and inclusive researchers. 

For more details on the learning objectives click here.