Teaching Dossier

BSc, MD, MPH, MSc (Clin. Epi.), MEd (HSE), DPBO-HNS


Teaching is a Privilege!

Teaching is not earned with PhD's, MSc's, and MD's, but a privilege granted by the engaged student.

I'd like to believe that learners have granted me this privilege during my lectures, bedside teaching, and workshops. 

I have taught in my various capacities. Informally, I have given lectures on basic epidemiology and biostatistics. More formally, as an Assistant Professor in the Philippines, I  taught on topics in otolaryngology, physical examination, and gross anatomy.

Teaching is Fun!

A teacher does not always have to be on a lectern.

A teacher does not always have to be distant.

A teacher who could laugh with his learners opens a door for learning and friendship.

Teaching is a lifetime of fun!