Tawana McLeod

Setting off our “Always a Panda” story archive and going first, is Tawana McLeod.

Panda volleyball athlete from 2000 to 2006 (co-captain in 2006) she came to the Panda program straight out of high school from J. Percy Page. She is part of the now infamous six year club which includes Tawana, Angela Zawada, and Kirsten Peters.

Tawana didn’t pass up on any of the opportunities that University provided and continues to live life large as a wife, mom, and while working in the UofA Athletics department. Here is how she described her years as a Panda:

My experience at university was the most powerful, most revealing time. I learned so much about myself and most of it had to do with being a Panda, I also met my husband here (her husband Gavin played Bears hockey and they now have sons Layne, age 8 and Nolan, age 5). I always referred to university as a transformative time in my life. Being a part of something larger than myself, and representing not only my team and the university, it gave me an opportunity to personally and athletically grow. I tried to be a leader on and off the court but was also involved with UAB in a lot of different roles. I also had the opportunity to represent the national team and playing at the FISU games. It really molded me to become not only a better athlete, but a better person.

The funny thing is, I am now reconnecting or meeting Bears & Pandas alumni through my kids as they participate in community sport. It’s like finding “your people,” and it is amazing to think how full circle my experience as a student athlete has come. When you play university sports, you may know of people as a Panda or Bear athlete and may not have connected except through the hall but now seeing them in the community, we have an immediate connection.

We are “cut from the same cloth.” It is really cool to see. For example, just in the last four years through minor hockey, Layne has played with over five Bears and Pandas alumni's (volleyball, soccer and football) children. Last summer, we decided to find a gym and ran drop in volleyball and invited all the kids that we had played hockey with. The kids had a blast! The awesome part was that it was created organically from the connection of being a Bears/Pandas alumni. We have a like mindedness and automatic connection which is special.

Most of the funny moments happened off the court, however in my second year, there is an on court funny moment. Be forewarned this story has been told lots of times, but always draws a laugh.

We were in Saskatoon playing in the old barn. We weren’t playing very well and I knew that I just needed to hammer the next ball to create something. I got set the ball, but I ended up doing the best float serve that I have ever done. Everyone in the stands is sitting, except for this one lady walking up the stairs carrying popcorn. Out of all the people in the stands, I ended up hitting her in the back of the head and popcorn went everywhere! I was steamed and was totally expecting the infamous 'Laurie stink eye,' but when I turned around and looked back at her, Laurie was doubled over, had tears streaming out of her eyes, and was keeled over laughing. I think that this is one of the few times that I had seen Laurie laughing about a mistake.

Japan was another highlight of my Panda experience. The training and being in the environment was phenomenal. There are so many more great memories, too many to list, they all still have a special place in my heart and I love talking about them whenever the alumni get together.

I came across this quote a while ago and it really struck a cord, and I always thought it directly spoke to my experience as a Panda student athlete.

“The journey is the destination”

Thank you Tawana for always being a leader as a Panda, mom, friend, and in life! Thank you for going first. Who would you like to hear from next from our exceptional group of Alumni?

I would really like to hear from Jill Dressel, I know she is doing amazing in California, and randomly got in contact with us to ask for a “This is a disguise I’m really a Panda” shirt, so we sent her one. I would love to know if she wears it at all!