About Us


The Membrane Protein Disease Research Group (MPDRG) within the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of the University of Alberta was formed in 2001 when the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Molecular Biology of Membrane Proteins Research Group (established in 1991) merged with the Faculty’s Membrane Transport Research Group (established in 1992).

There are twelve faculty members in the Group: Drs. Todd Alexander, Xing-Zhen Chen, Emmanuelle Cordat, Larry Fliegel, Joanne Lemieux, Elaine Leslie, Michael Overduin, Thomas Simmen, Nicolas Touret, Howard Young; with appointments in the Departments of Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Pediatrics, Oncology and Physiology.

The role of our Group is to investigate membrane transporters of different molecules and ions, protein targeting and translocation across biological membrane, protein folding, and the role of membrane-associated proteins in control of cell growth and cellular communication.

The Group has developed a strong trainee program in the area of structure and function of membrane proteins.