How to apply?

To apply to the graduate programs in MEDS you will need to provide three documents: (1) your current academic transcript, (2) three letters for reference, and (3) your statement of intent. The statement of intent is a description of why you want to study in our program and what you intend to study.  We also strongly recommend that you contact a faculty member in MEDS you would like to work with as part of your studies.


For more information, please follow the steps here.

What is the difference between course-based and thesis-bases degree?

In a course-Based MEd, you need to complete 8, 3-credit courses including

• EDPY 500 Introduction to Data Analysis in Educational Research *3

• EDPY 501 Introduction to Research Methods *3

• EDPY 507 Measurement Theory *3

In addition to these 3 required courses, students must complete at least 5 more 3-credit courses related to their area of specialization and a capping project (EDPY 903).

In a course-based MEd, you need to complete 7, -credit courses including:

• EDPY 501 Introduction to Research Methods *3

• EDPY 505 Quantitative Methods I *3

• EDPY 507 Measurement Theory I *3

In addition to the 3 required courses, students must complete at least 4 more 3-credit courses related to their area of specialization and a thesis.

Please note that there are two major differences between the course-based and thesis-based programs: the number of courses (8 in course-based vs. 7 in thesis-based) and the final project (a capping project in course-based and a thesis in thesis-based).  Students in the course-based programs cannot proceed to the MEDS PhD program while students in the thesis-based programs do have the option of applying for their MEDS PhD.

What funding is available to graduate students?

Graduate students in the MEDS program are typically funded through one (or more) of the following options:

What are the career prospects?

MEDS graduates have many employment opportunities.  Our graduates are employed at both private and public institutions throughout the world.  Moreover, all of our graduates, to-date, have found employment in the area of measurement, evaluation, and/or data science.  Our graduates are employed as professors and research associates in publicly-funded universities and government testing agencies (e.g., Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario; Alberta Education in Edmonton, Alberta).  Our graduates are also employed at privately-funded testing companies (e.g., Medical Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario; Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey). 
